1. Learning Activities
1.1. Lab Activities: Identify physical and chemical properties of various materials.
1.1.1. Lab Activities: Demonstrate an understanding of physical and chemical changes through a series of demonstrations. Create a graphic organizer to compare and contrast physical and chemical properties and changes. Using the Promethean Software, create a flip chart showing physical and chemical properties. Alternative or modified assignment: Allow students to sort images of properties into categories of physical or chemical properties.
2. NCSCOS: The learner will conduct investigations and utilize technology and information to build an understanding of chemistry.
3. Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of physical and chemical properties and physical and chemical changes.
4. Assessment: Create a cartoon/comic strip that emphasizes one physical property and one chemical property of matter. (specific heat, malleability, ductility, boiling point, reactivity, etc.) Allow for creativity and multiple characteristics to be described. Allow for students to explain physical and chemical changes in their comic strip as well.
4.1. Assessment Tool: Rubric
4.1.1. To achieve a 4: clear identity of characters; actions and dialogue are appropriate; captions are easy to read, understand and are related to the content of the scenes; physical and chemical properties are clearly explained; if physical and chemical changes are demonstrated-they are appropriate and easy to understand; artwork is an excellent display of the concept; No spelling errors.