C-SAP OERII COL Phase 1 Scoping of Source Collections
by Darren Marsh
1. "Well defined" OER collections
1.1. JORUM http://www.jorum.ac.uk/
1.2. Xpert (Nottingham) http://xpert.nottingham.ac.uk/
1.3. MERLOT http://www.merlot.org/merlot/index.htm
1.4. OpenLearn http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/
1.5. Connexions http://cnx.org/
1.6. MIT OpenCourseware http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm
1.7. OpenCourseWare consortium http://www.ocwconsortium.org/
1.8. Pilot OER sources (i.e. Humbox, OpenSpires)
1.9. Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative
1.10. Open Yale courses
1.11. NDLR (Ireland)
2. Other types of resource in scope (single web pages, referring pages, wikis)
2.1. Social research in Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_research
2.2. Department / course pages - decision on relevance, potential to scope curriculum span across subjects? HESA?
2.3. Social Research Update Surrey http://sru.soc.surrey.ac.uk/
2.4. Antioch Uni page http://www.antiochne.edu/cp/qr/default.cfm
2.5. Qualitiative research skills manual http://manual.recoup.educ.cam.ac.uk/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#RECOUP%20manual
2.6. Teaching Research Methods (APSA)
2.7. Methodspace (research methods community)
2.8. Policy research methods
2.9. Glossary of Mixed Methods Terms/Concepts
2.10. Manchester Uni advice about research practice
2.11. Questionnaire design and analysis
2.12. Document analysis worksheets
2.13. Sage Research Methods Online
2.14. CAQDAS
3. OER search engines
3.1. Google OER custom search
3.2. OCW search
3.2.1. Advanced search OCW queries
3.3. Search creative commons
3.4. OER dynamic search engine
3.5. YouTubeEdu
3.6. DiscoverEd
3.7. OER recommender
3.8. Einztein knowledge network
3.9. Temoa: OER portal
3.10. Commonwealth of Learning
4. RSS tools
4.1. Feed 43
4.2. Yahoo Pipes
4.3. List of RSS readers
4.4. Turtilla
4.5. xFruits
5. Web resources not currently defined as OER but in scope
5.1. Research Methods Knowledge Base http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/
5.2. V-ResORT http://www.v-resort.ac.uk/index.php
5.3. RLO-CETL http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk/
5.4. ESDS Qualidata http://www.esds.ac.uk/qualidata/
5.5. ESRC Research Methods Centre http://www.ncrm.ac.uk/
5.6. British Library research methods collections http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelpsubject/socsci/resmethods/socscimethods.html
5.7. OBSSR e-Source book http://www.esourceresearch.org/
5.8. Exploring online research methods http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/orm/
5.9. Intute http://www.intute.ac.uk/
5.10. Cathie Marsh Centre http://www.ccsr.ac.uk/
5.11. Experiment resources.com http://www.experiment-resources.com/index.html
5.12. REQUALLO http://onlineqda.hud.ac.uk/REQUALLO.php
5.13. ReStore: A sustainable web resources repository (NCRM)
5.14. Real Life methods resources (University of Manchester)
5.15. Electronic resources for research methods (quite old though!)
5.16. Methods at Manchester
6. Web 2.0 sources to scope as 'collections'
6.1. Video
6.1.1. Vimeo
6.1.2. Youtube
6.1.3. Dragontape
6.1.4. Webiversity
6.2. Documents
6.2.1. Slideshare
6.2.2. slideserve
6.2.3. GoogleDocs
6.3. Audio
6.3.1. Open Culture
6.3.2. iTunes Edu
6.4. Image
6.4.1. Flickr CC
6.4.2. Google images
6.5. Visulisation
6.5.1. Many Eyes
6.5.2. InfoVis
6.5.3. Protovis
6.6. Search engines
6.6.1. Google (Code blog)