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First, Renville by Mind Map: First, Renville

1. Outreach &/or Ministries

1.1. Special Ministry #1

1.2. Special Ministry #2

1.3. etc.

1.4. How to get involved

2. About

2.1. What we believe

2.2. History

2.3. Newsletter

2.4. Staff

2.4.1. Pastor's Message Pastor's blog

2.4.2. Staff blogs

2.5. Map & Directions

2.6. How to get involved

3. Worship

3.1. Worship times (& types)

3.1.1. Nursery

3.2. Music

3.3. Sermons online

4. Youth

4.1. Nursery

4.2. Sunday School

4.3. Confirmation

4.4. HS Youth

4.5. Young Adults

4.6. VBS

5. Adults

5.1. Fellowship

5.2. Women's Groups

5.2.1. Women of the ELCA Circles Bible studies

5.3. Men's Groups

5.3.1. LMM Bible Studies Groups

5.4. Young Adults

5.5. Bible Studies

6. Calendar

6.1. Main (combined) Calendar

6.2. Group calendar #1 (youth, welca, etc...)

6.3. Group calendar #2

6.4. etc.