Aristotle's Biology

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Aristotle's Biology by Mind Map: Aristotle's Biology

1. Aristotle on friendship

1.1. For human relationships, friendships is necessary to perfect your relationships with others.

1.1.1. three types of friendships

1.1.2. Frienship based on pleasure

1.1.3. friendship based on virtue

1.1.4. The last types of frienship are the best and lead you to happiness

2. Each thing we see is a part of the Teleological ( goal oriented ) system.

2.1. Humans goal is to be an excellent person who is virtues.

3. Aristotle believed that forms lie inside themselves.

3.1. EX: the form of the oak tree is isnide of the acron

4. He applies scientific model to philosophical investigation.

4.1. Teleological system

4.1.1. everything that causes things drives them to be created

4.2. Material cause

4.2.1. The material forms when the thing is made

4.2.2. Efficent cause The force used to make the think Final cause What is the purpose of the thonk

5. A: says that human have a special intellectual power called reason, which is the ability to comprehend univerals

6. Our senses differ from other animals

6.1. animals differ from having the power of sensation and preception

7. A: reguriements for happiness

7.1. Rich

7.2. Good looking

7.3. not a laborer

7.4. good friends

7.4.1. politecal power

8. A: precise defintion of moral virtue.

8.1. Moral virtue is the habbit of acting at the mean between the two extremes of behavior

9. There are two types of intellectual virtue

9.1. Philosophical

9.2. practical

10. Two catogories of virtue

10.1. Intellectual

10.2. Moral

11. How Aristotle differs from Plato and Socrates?

11.1. Aristotle is a scientific and practical thinker.

11.1.1. DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE WORLD OF FORMD. He believes that everything we understand we can touch.

12. A:to engage the problem of knowledge, we must begin with our senses.

13. A: Believes that nature does nothing by chance.

13.1. we have been given senses to use them to understand the world.