Marta:14 year old, 8th grader, straight A-plus student since first grade, 1st in line for scholar...

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Marta:14 year old, 8th grader, straight A-plus student since first grade, 1st in line for scholarship jacket. por Mind Map: Marta:14 year old, 8th grader, straight A-plus student since first grade, 1st in line for scholarship jacket.

1. Father: couldn't afford to feed all his children so martha was given to grandparents.

2. grandpa: owns 2 hundred acre ranch, doesn't let Marta have the $15 for the jacket.

3. grandma: wouldn't allow Marta to be on any teams because of the cost of everything.

4. sister: won a scholarship jacket a few years before Marta.

5. Mr.Schmidt: Marta's history teacher, knew that Marta earned the scholarship jacket and wanted her to get it.

6. Mr.Boone: Marta's math teacher, wanted Joanne to get the jacket because her father was on the board.

7. Principal: told Marta that she had to pay $15 if she wanted the scholarship jacket and ended up letting her have it without paying because she deserved it.

8. Scholarship jacket: a gold and green jacket given to the valedictorian when they graduated from the 8th grade.