La Organización Mundial del Comercio

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La Organización Mundial del Comercio por Mind Map: La Organización Mundial del Comercio

1. The indefinite article "A" or "AN" is the same for all genders.

2. Example article "An": an actor, an actress, an aunt, an uncle.

3. Example article "A" : a chicken, a boy, a girl, a cat. a rooster.

4. The indefine article A and AN has no plural form.

5. Example: a girl, a boy, an uncle, an elephant.

6. There are some exepcions whith article "AN" when the consonat h is pronounced as a vowel

6.1. Example: an hour, an honest boy, an honorable sir.

7. We use "AN" if the following word starts whit a spoken.

7.1. And we use "A" when the word starts a spoken consonant.

8. The following word starts with a spoken consonant.

8.1. Example: a boy, a school.

9. The following word starts whit a spoken vowel

9.1. An eagle, an american.

10. Sentenses with A and AN.

10.1. I went to the zoo and I saw an American eagle,

10.2. When I get money I will go to buy a car.