Tajfel (1970)

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Tajfel (1970) by Mind Map: Tajfel (1970)

1. Context

1.1. Prejudice

1.1.1. Previous research

1.2. Discrimination

1.3. Social Identity Theory

1.3.1. In group

1.3.2. Out group

1.3.3. Conflict

1.3.4. Generic norm

2. Lab experiment

2.1. Aims

2.2. Hypotheses

2.2.1. 1

2.2.2. 2

2.2.3. 3

2.3. Variables

2.3.1. IV

2.3.2. DV

2.3.3. Controls

3. Participants

3.1. Number

3.2. Age

3.3. From

3.4. Controls

3.5. Groups

4. Procedure study 1

4.1. To establish groups

4.1.1. Told

4.1.2. Location

4.1.3. Shown

4.1.4. Asked to

4.1.5. 4 groups of 8 told

4.1.6. 4 groups of 8 told

4.1.7. Experimenters pretended to score the estimates

4.1.8. Told

4.1.9. Groups Told the basis of the group was In reality

4.2. The task

4.2.1. Told

4.2.2. Did not know

4.2.3. Location Taken to cubicle

4.2.4. Given Matrices Labelled Had to 6 different matrices 3 types of choice Varied Booklet

4.2.5. Told clearly

4.2.6. At the end

4.2.7. Allocating points

5. Procedure study 2

5.1. Pps

5.2. Told

5.3. Shown 12 slides of

5.4. Asked to

5.5. randomly assigned

5.6. Matrices

5.6.1. Variables to consider Whether allocated points for

5.6.2. Varied

6. Results

6.1. Study 1

6.1.1. In intragroup conditions

6.2. Study 2

6.2.1. Maximum joint profit

6.2.2. Maximum in group profit and maximum difference

6.2.3. Participants gave more points

6.2.4. In group choices

7. Conclusions

8. Evaluation

8.1. Reliability

8.2. Reliability

8.3. Validity

8.4. Generalisability

8.4.1. Reliability and validity

8.5. Validity

8.6. Usefulness

8.7. Quantitative data