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#NRC01PL by Mind Map: #NRC01PL

1. How?

1.1. Wordpress

1.2. Google Hangout

1.2.1. videoconferencing

1.3. Open edX

1.3.1. free--and open source--course management system (CMS)


1.4.1. dynamic personal learning environment

1.5. arke

1.5.1. personal learning environment, not sure yet

1.6. social media

1.6.1. twitter

1.6.2. facebook

1.6.3. YouTube

1.7. gRSSHopper

1.7.1. content distribution and management

2. What?

2.1. MOOC about Personal Learning

3. Resources

3.1. Beyond Instructional Design

3.2. MOOC ecosystem

3.3. Design Elements in a PLE

4. Concepts

4.1. content based learning technology (and critique)

4.1.1. learning objects

4.1.2. content packaging

4.1.3. learning design