Vaping (E-Cigarette)

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Vaping (E-Cigarette) por Mind Map: Vaping (E-Cigarette)

1. Source : Astro awani

2. An alternative ways to stop smoking

3. Health risk

4. Environment Influences

5. Out of curiosity

5.1. Family , friends, society

6. Trend nowadays

7. Effect

8. Addition of a mixture

8.1. Cough syrup, redbull, drugs, perfume and so on

9. Nicotine

10. Source: Nicotine & Tobacco Research November 2015

11. New hobbies

12. Addiction

13. Method to stop smoking

14. Cause

15. Overprice / Waste of money

15.1. Cigar 1 day = Rm 10 30 days = Rm 300

16. "Healthier than smoking"

17. Research by Lynn T Kozlowski. Professor Department of Community Health and Health Behaviour.