Paul Cubbon
by Goran Kimovski
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2. Engagement: the un-lecture - a radical new approach to learning
3. Paul's blog
4. Learning by discovery
4.1. complexity brought into focus
4.2. showing enough so that students can see the patterns and connections
4.3. dramatizing tensions, highlighting synergies
4.3.1. Marketing meets Accounting
4.3.2. 11 different Profs combining in one course thought it was really cool no one asked if they're going to be paid
4.4. less is more
4.4.1. making space for exploration and conversation and reflection
5. Pilot program on the "un-lecture"
5.1. The goals was to keep students energized at the end as they started
5.2. Stimulating student engagement
5.2.1. mind-maps
5.2.2. blogs
5.2.3. small group activities
5.2.4. mini presentations
5.2.5. twitter back-channel
5.2.6. e-polling
5.2.7. ...
5.3. Blogs x500 students
5.3.1. initially the students were scared
5.3.2. oppportunity to show potential emoployers real skills
6. Problems with a status quo
7. Engaging past K-12
8. Univeristy challenge
8.1. Students are being bored
8.2. Myth: large classes = lecture and multiple choice exams
9. Student feedack\
9.1. working out the kinks
9.1.1. some things to improve
9.1.2. ambiguity is deliberate
9.2. positive feedback
9.2.1. not hard for students to focus\
9.2.2. love the atmosphere
9.2.3. love how interactive this thing was
9.3. no secret sauce
9.3.1. need to time your change effort
9.3.2. constantly improve