Local Babies, Global Science

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Local Babies, Global Science por Mind Map: Local Babies, Global Science

1. Chapter 6

1.1. The "Mother of the Tube"

1.1.1. Through interviewing Egyptian woman who used IVF, we learn that the woman are generally light-hearted and will speak about their experiences.

1.1.2. One woman's father liked to call her "Mother of the Tube"

1.2. The (In)efficacy of NRTs

1.2.1. Efficacy: whether IVF in Egypt is as successful as IVF providers say it is, and how happy patients are with their experience

1.2.2. Selling false hope is a serious problem in Egypt

1.2.3. Egyptian IVF centers inflate their percentages of successes

1.3. The Egyptian Game of Inflation

1.3.1. Lack of definition of what is a successful pregnancy

1.3.2. Attempt to inflate success rates by not counting women over the age of 40

1.3.3. ICSI at some centers

1.3.4. Lack of standards for informed consent

1.3.5. Lack of standards for record-keeping

1.3.6. Lack of effective regulation or monitoring on a national level

1.4. Positioning Egypt in the Discourses of Hope

1.4.1. NRTs are known as "hope technologies"

1.4.2. Rate of inflation plays on that selling of hope

1.4.3. NRT has been very helpful in helping couples achieve their dreams of being a family, but it is difficult to conceive and not always effective

1.5. Realities of Success and Failure

1.5.1. Are Egyptian women rewarded for giving birth of test tube babies? Or do they experience long term suffering?

1.5.2. Sometimes women turn to IVF after secondary infertility.

1.5.3. Religious implications

1.6. Conclusions

1.6.1. Many Egyptian women thank God for their successes in IVF. They contribute either result to "God's Will"

2. Chapter 7

2.1. The Movie Star Patient

2.1.1. A famous movie star patient was interviewed for her experience with IVF, but she is not to be viewed as a traditional Egyptian patient

2.1.2. However, it was interesting to hear the relationship between the couple and how they experienced IVF

2.2. Embodying the Patriarchal Bargain

2.2.1. Women are often blamed for infertility, even if it is the man who is infertile

2.2.2. Egyptian women in all social classes feel the pressure to become mothers

2.2.3. NRT is risky and women must really want to be mothers in order to pursue them Their male counterparts must understand and respect this as well

2.3. Body Histories

2.3.1. Women's bodies can be very different and may respond to these medical exams/treatments very differently "Treatment virgins" "Medically deflowered"

2.3.2. Male infertility is a more prevalent issue than previously believed Males are infertile in the majority of cases There are many factors that contribute to male infertility

2.3.3. "Who suffers more?"

2.4. The Unhappiness of Hormones

2.4.1. Taking hormones is a necessary part of IVF Must produce a hyperstimulated, superovulating cycle

2.4.2. These drugs can affect a woman's emotions and well-being. It is difficult for them to undergo all of these hormones.

2.4.3. Weight gain and other pregnancy side effects are felt.

2.4.4. This adds an additional financial burden.

2.5. Worrying, waiting, and Bedding Down

2.5.1. A lot of "worrying and waiting" is a part of IVF. The couple must wait to find out if the eggs have attached.

2.5.2. More surgeries and exams are necessary to ensure a successful pregnancy/delivery