Chapt. 10 Spontaneity, Entropy & Free Energy
by Terrence Oas
1. Spontaneous Processes
2. Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions
2.1. dSsurr: determined primarily by heat flow dSsys: determined by differences in # of positional randomness of products & reactants
3. Free Energy and Chemical Reactions
3.1. Three Ways to Compute DGrxn
3.1.1. From dHo & dSo
3.1.2. Hess' Law
3.1.3. From dGform
4. Reversible and Irreversible Processes: A Summary
5. Free Energy and Work
6. Free Energy and Equilibrium
6.1. dGo=-RTlnK
7. The Dependence of Free Energy on Pressure
7.1. dG=dGo+RTln(Q)
8. 3rd Law: S of all substances is 0 at 0K
9. T-dependence of K: van't Hoff Equation: Rln(K)=-dH/T+dS
10. Max useful work="free" energy
11. The Isothermal Expansion and Compression of an Ideal Gas
12. Entropy and Physical Changes
13. The Definition of Entropy
14. Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
15. The Effect of Temperature on Spontaneity
15.1. Exothermicity most important at low T
16. Free Energy
16.1. dSuniv=-dG/T
16.2. dG=dH-TdS
17. The change in the entropy of the universe for a given process is a measure of the driving force behind that process
18. Isothermal expansion of an ideal gas against a vacuum involves no change in energy, work or heatflow
19. Reversible processes yield maximum work & heat
19.1. Reversible Work
19.2. Reversible heat
20. Only when a cyclic process is done in infinite number of steps is the universe the same at the beginning & end of the process.
21. All real processes are thermodynamically irreversible
22. S changes in surroundings usually due to heat flow
22.1. dSsurr=-dH/T
23. ENTROPY BUDGET: dSuniv=dSsys+dSsurr=-dG/T