Real Estate Marketing Asset Protocol

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Real Estate Marketing Asset Protocol by Mind Map: Real Estate Marketing Asset Protocol

1. "DRIVE"

1.1. Craigslist

1.2. Social Media

1.2.1. Facebook

1.2.2. Twitter

1.2.3. LinkedIn

1.3. PPC

1.3.1. Google

1.3.2. Facebook

1.3.3. Yahoo & Bing

1.4. Fusion Marketing

1.4.1. Postcards

1.4.2. Signs

1.4.3. Flyers

1.4.4. Business Cards

1.5. SEO


2.1. Content, Content, Content!

2.1.1. Blog Posts

2.1.2. Videos

2.1.3. Consistency is the key

2.2. No CRM



4.1. Who makes more? General Practitioner or Cosmetic Surgeon?

4.2. Niche Ideas

4.2.1. New Homes

4.2.2. Foreclosures

4.2.3. Lease Options

4.2.4. Investors

4.2.5. Multifamily properties

4.2.6. Eco Friendly Homes

4.2.7. Tax Deferred Exchanges

4.2.8. College Housing

5. "BUILD"

5.1. Kaizen

5.2. Your Lead Capture Traps

5.3. Your "Awesome" Real Estate Website

5.4. Text Msg Codes