The Australian Colonies

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The Australian Colonies by Mind Map: The Australian Colonies

1. Reasons (economic, political and social) for the establishment of British colonies in Australia after 1800. (ACHHK093)

1.1. Elaboration - Investigating the reasons for the establishment of one or more British colonies such as a penal colony (for example Moreton Bay, Van Diemen’s Land) or a colony that later became a state (for example Western Australia, Victoria)

1.1.1. Task - Key reasons table - infomation sharing.

1.1.2. Task- Predict timeline > develop accurate class timeline

1.1.3. Task- Historical terms 'word wall' (continues over learing journey)

1.1.4. How will students investigate? Students will break into groups to investigate a british colony. Information will be summarised under key 'reason' headings of political, economic and social. One stundet from each colony group will join to learn about a different colony then add to their table. Class investigation on the Swan river colony in order to sumarise key dates of the 1800's and begin to develop a time line. Students will predict the ordering of key events before collaborating to develop a whole class timeline to display in the classroom. Stundts will ccritically annayisie a range if digital timelines and locate the revelant events (1800-1899) only. What historical skills are involved? Sequence historical people and events (ACHHS098) Numeracy Use historical terms and concepts (ACHHS099)

1.1.5. Critical and creative thinking

2. The impact of a significant development or event on a colony; for example, frontier conflict, the gold rushes, the Eureka Stockade, internal exploration, the advent of rail, the expansion of farming, drought. (ACHHK095)

2.1. Elaboration- investigating an event or development and explaining its economic, social and political impact on a colony (for example the consequences of frontier conflict events such as the Myall Creek Massacre, the Pinjarra Massacre; the impact of South Sea Islanders on sugar farming and the timber industry; the impact of the Eureka Stockade on the development of democracy) creating ‘what if’ scenarios by constructing different outcomes for a key event, for example ‘What if Peter Lalor had encouraged gold miners to pay rather than resist licence fees?’

2.1.1. Task - (group) develop and investigate interview questions and present information in whole class 'news' scenario.

3. The role that a significant individual or group played in shaping a colony; for example, explorers, farmers, entrepreneurs, artists, writers, humanitarians, religious and political leaders, and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. (ACHHK097)

3.1. Elaboration- investigating the contribution or significance of an individual or group to the shaping of a colony in the 1800s (for example groups such as explorers or pastoralists; or individuals such as Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth, J. G. Macdonald, Elizabeth and John Macarthur, Caroline Chisholm, Saint Mary Mackillop, Peter Lalor, James Unaipon) exploring the motivations and actions of an individual or group that shaped a colony

3.1.1. Task- ( whole class) analysis of text structure of biographical letter.

3.1.2. Task-complete graphic organiser with key information for biographical letter.

3.1.3. Task- Complete individual biographical letter (tea stained paper) . Students exposed to marking criteria and encouraged to use Historical terms collected in their 'word wall'.

3.1.4. How will students demonstrate their learning? Students will annalyse the structure and content of range of biographical letters. The writing process will need to be supported and a prompting template will be developed for some students . Students will have the option to select from a range of individuals after viewing a powerpoint presentation with some key information about significant individuals. Students will be required to locate and list sources and use this to include key information about the individual. This process will guided by a graphic organiser with sections for students to address each element of the biography in order. Letters will include historical terms collected over the course of the learning journey. They will use Ict skills to develop the envelope cover of the letter and include a boarder/ image to reflect their writing. What historical skills are involved? Locate information related to inquiry questions in a range of sources (ACHHS102) Develop texts, particularly narratives and descriptions, which incorporate source materials (ACHHS105) Critical and creative thinking

4. The nature of convict or colonial presence, including the factors that influenced patterns of development, aspects of the daily life of the inhabitants (including Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples) and how the environment changed. (ACHHK094)

4.1. Elaboration- investigating colonial life to discover what life was like at that time for different inhabitants (for example a European family and an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Language group, a convict and a free settler, a sugar cane farmer and an indentured labourer) in terms of clothing, diet, leisure, paid and unpaid work, language, housing and childrens' lives'.mapping local, regional and state/territory rural and urban settlement patterns in the 1800s, and noting factors such as geographical features, climate, water resources, the discovery of gold, transport and access to port facilities that shaped these patterns investigating the impact of settlement on the environment (for example comparing the present and past landscape and the flora and fauna of the local community)

4.1.1. Task- Complete/ discuss note taking template 'What was life like'? and based on analysis of sources

4.1.2. Task - (individual) Personal perspective response - newspaper article

4.1.3. How will students demonstrate their learning? Students will view and respond to a series of images/passages in a note taking template to identify 'what life was like' for a range of colonial presences. The will be guided and asked to complete further research to deepen their understanding/ add interesting facts. They will then select one to individually generate a personal response based on the perspective of a European settler, a convict or an indigenous person. They will complete their response based on a series of prompting questions in the template of a news article. Students will also identify patterns of development by considering and graphing data based on the Swan River colony. /SwanRiverColony/images/TR2%20Colonial%20Settlement%20Chart%201.pdf Task - (individual) development of a convict token. What historical skills are involved? Locate information related to inquiry questions in a range of sources (ACHHS102) Critical and creative thininking

5. How will students demonstrate their learning? Students will also explore the collection of convict 'love tokens' and will use historical terms and visual art skills to develop their own token . Students will also investigate and discuss the impact 'cause and effect' of the Pinjarra Massacre. Students will be asked to discuss the laws (or lack of) that allowed this to occur and develop questions such as 'what if alternative laws were in place? 'what other option did Captain James Stirling have'? 'what were the consequences of this event?' For this task, students will be placed in small groups and a class news room will be set up. Students will be given a 3 min news interview slot where they required to have a interviewer and question responses. Each interview slot will be based on an inquiry question related to the Massacre. Students will be responsible for conducting their investigation in order to generate appropriate responses.

5.1. What historical skills are involved? Identify questions to inform an historical inquiry (ACHHS100)

5.1.1. Critical and creative thinking Personal and social capability Literacy

6. The reasons people migrated to Australia from Europe and Asia, and the experiences and contributions of a particular migrant group within a colony. (ACHHK096)

6.1. Elaboration - identifying the reasons why people migrated to Australia in the 1800s (for example as convicts; assisted passengers; indentured labourers; people seeking a better life such as gold miners; and those dislocated by events such as the Industrial Revolution, the Irish Potato Famine and the Highland Clearances) Investigating the experiences and contributions of a particular migrant group within a colony (for example Germans in South Australia, Japanese in Broome, Afghan Cameleers in the Northern Territory, Chinese at Palmer River, Pacific Islanders in the Torres Strait) connecting (where appropriate) stories of migration to students’ own family histories

6.2. How will students demonstrate their learning? Students will be given the opportunity to create a 5 slide Powerpoint presentation to demonstrate their understanding from sources. Students will be provided with headings for each slide however they will be given choices in terms of the format and adding relevant images.

6.2.1. Task- Powerpoint presentation ( 5 slides) with key reasons and contributions from a specific group of people.

6.2.2. What historical skills are involved? Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologies (ACHHS106) Critical and creative thinking Intercultural understanding