SEO checklist

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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SEO checklist por Mind Map: SEO checklist

1. Technical

1.1. Competitors analysis

1.2. Doublicate page cleaning

1.3. Robots.txt

1.4. Canonization

1.5. Site structure

1.6. Speed tests, html analysis

1.7. Mobile-friendly optimization

1.8. Google analytics + webmaster tools

2. Foundational

2.1. Keyword research

2.2. Analytics

2.3. Semantic core

2.3.1. General

2.3.2. Landing

2.3.3. Content landing

3. Onsite optimization

3.1. Titles, metas, h1

3.2. Additional content descriptions

3.3. Internal linking, anchoring

3.4. Local optimization (local domains)

4. Content

4.1. Keyword research

4.2. Landing page optimization (kws, etc)

4.3. Content plan

4.4. Content landing

4.5. Semantics updates

5. Offsite LinkBuiilding

5.1. Forum/Blogs guest posting

5.2. Social media's

5.3. Linkbuilding strategy(landings, anchores)

5.4. Landing pages rank building (backlink buying)

5.5. Backlink Cleanup

5.6. Link Reclamation

5.7. Link Maintenance