Teal For Startups Where do we collaborate?

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Teal For Startups Where do we collaborate? by Mind Map: Teal For Startups Where do we collaborate?

1. using these tools and digital spaces

1.1. Facebook

1.2. Google Hangouts On Air

1.3. Google docs/ sheets

1.4. MindMeister

1.5. Part-up

1.6. Trello

2. Status of tool or space

2.1. Testing tool

2.2. Proposing to Teal

2.3. Proposal approved

2.4. Proposal declined

2.5. Dropped

3. via these organisational Streams

3.1. Purpose

3.2. Values & Culture

3.3. Product - Service

3.4. Community & Ecosystem

3.5. Collaboration

3.5.1. Video calls

3.5.2. Facebook

3.5.3. Group

3.5.4. Events 1 2 3 4

3.5.5. Roles

3.6. Wealth