Teal For Startups Where do we collaborate?

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Teal For Startups Where do we collaborate? por Mind Map: Teal For Startups Where do we collaborate?

1. via these organisational Streams

1.1. Purpose

1.2. Values & Culture

1.3. Product - Service

1.4. Community & Ecosystem

1.5. Collaboration

1.5.1. Video calls

1.5.2. Facebook

1.5.3. Group

1.5.4. Events 1 2 3 4

1.5.5. Roles

1.6. Wealth

2. using these tools and digital spaces

2.1. Facebook

2.2. Google Hangouts On Air

2.3. Google docs/ sheets

2.4. MindMeister

2.5. Part-up

2.6. Trello

3. Status of tool or space

3.1. Testing tool

3.2. Proposing to Teal

3.3. Proposal approved

3.4. Proposal declined

3.5. Dropped