Jeannie Cooper Browsers 2010

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Jeannie Cooper Browsers 2010 by Mind Map: Jeannie Cooper Browsers 2010

1. Define: Browser

1.1. Software application used to locate & display Web pages.

2. Explorer9

2.1. Pros:

2.1.1. 100% for attributes, audio, foreigncontent, video and xhtml5

2.1.2. Interoperability

2.2. Cons:

2.2.1. Combined URLaddreses/tabs bar

2.2.2. Wonky color coding

3. Explorer8

3.1. Cons:

3.1.1. Vulnerable to hacke attacks

3.1.2. Lack of modern web support

3.2. Pros:

3.2.1. Performed on the CPU

3.2.2. Java script execution engines

4. Opera

4.1. Pros:

4.1.1. Good graphics frame rate

4.1.2. Light weight

4.2. Cons:

4.2.1. A bit slow in reading the script on multiple pages

4.2.2. To update it should download the master files again

5. Sources

5.1. minimum 5 sources, collaborative effort; only most recent versions

5.1.1. Shorten your URLs at the following link:







6. Mozilla Firefox 4

6.1. Pros:

6.1.1. Almost perfect scores for 3 HTML5 features

6.1.2. Decent graphics

6.2. Cons:

6.2.1. Loading takes a long time

6.2.2. Limited GPU

7. Google Chrome 6

7.1. Pros:

7.1.1. Second only to IE9 for HTML features

7.1.2. Easy updates

7.2. Cons:

7.2.1. Sometimes an ad in Kiskus prefer not appear

7.2.2. Like error when it would open thread

8. Apple Safari

8.1. Pros:

8.1.1. 2nd in speed to all browsers

8.1.2. Bookmarking made easy

8.2. Cons:

8.2.1. Lowest HTMLs compliance levels of all browsers

8.2.2. Slow speed