Michael Jackson Singer

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Michael Jackson Singer by Mind Map: Michael Jackson Singer

1. Born in Gary, Indiana

1.1. August 29 1958

2. Albums he brought out

2.1. Bad

2.2. Dangerous

2.3. Thriller

3. Beginning of his career

3.1. He had a group with his broyhers named "The Jackson 5" with his brothers

4. Danser

4.1. Michael had a famous move called the Moonwalk

5. Death

5.1. Los Angeles

5.2. 2009

5.3. A lot of artists came together and made a song

6. Skin color

6.1. Michael Jackson was black and became white

7. Family

7.1. In 1994 he married Lisa Marie Presley

7.2. In 1996 he married Debbie Rowe

7.3. Michael has 3 childrens

8. The Jackson Five

8.1. Marlon

8.2. Tito

8.3. Jackie

8.4. Jermaine

9. Trophies

9.1. Grammy

9.2. Brit

9.3. Soul Train

9.4. RIAA

9.5. ...

10. Artists who had influence on Micheal

10.1. James Brown

10.2. Little Richard

10.3. Jackie Wilson

10.4. Diana Ross

11. Scandal

11.1. There were two abuse allegations against Michael

12. Amusement park

12.1. Neverland was the home of Michael Jackson from 1988 till 2005