1. I enjoyed the discussions and even though they rarely let into any inventions they gave me a lot to think about. The sharing to the rest of the group were in a sense hard and difficult since I were not always certain what we wanted as an outcome. Still it was good since I had to go through our material again. The different presenter tools were all new for me and they were fun to try out, now I know they exist and might come in handy.
2. The blogs were a help for me since I through them realised that there were other who were struggling in the beginning. Later I’ve tried to read as many as a could but now I find them too many to follow all. I try to read group members and if there are any that sound particularly interesting.
3. Was the community valuable for you? How?
3.1. Mona
3.2. Anna
3.2.1. Vey much , since it gave new input., I also learned, fron studying others, both particiapants and facilitators, on how to interact when not IRL. How can humor be used when we do not really se each others nuances, for example.
3.3. Catherine
3.3.1. I found the community very valuable. The support and guidance was very evident. It was also quite a learning experience engaging with academics from different institutions and professions. I appreciated all the support given from everyone.
3.4. Robert
3.4.1. The Tweetchat I found somewhat difficult to follow still it was fun to try.
3.5. Fredric
3.5.1. To be honest. No. But I don´t know if it had to be for the course to be valuable.
3.6. Francisca
3.6.1. Yes, Tweetchat was great for that. Als the presentations and blogs are very interesting.
4. PBL 1 - Young4ever
4.1. How did we do it as a group?
4.1.1. Francisca *Great, we stayed together We did not succeed to find a way to chose discussion topics, discussion was difficult, making conclusions was not easy. We spoke about values and threshold for joining the group. I think that illustrated the openness and the trust in the group. Great. *I think we needed some time to find the right car to ride in together. A lot of great thoughts and reflections stayed with the FISH, they were not discussed. What to do with them?
4.1.2. Fredric *We did great! *The discussions were valuable, but as always they don´t lead up to much in the way of results. That you have to secure yourself. (It is a rare thing to work in a group that actually works that well that you get more out of it than you would have if doing the work yourself. The value almost always is in the new perspectives you get.)
4.1.3. Robert *I think we did okay. The work were not conclusive all of the time but still we managed to collaborate, discuss and produce something during each topic. I believe we would have had more time set of for this to be able excel. Still more time if we say weeks, could have been an obstacle too.
4.1.4. Catherine In the beginning I did feel as though we were walking on rocky ground but as the weeks progressed it became easier and more comfortable to express ones opinion and ask THOSE odd inane questions. time once again seemed to be a challenge for some of us to engage as much as we would have wanted to. A fabulous group nonetheless and I certainly walked away more empowered from all that I learnt from each and everyone of you. Thank you, is was a privilege meeting all of you. Thank you for your patience...and engaging in a second language.
4.1.5. Anna
4.1.6. Mona
4.2. *Did we reach all aims of the Topics?
4.2.1. Fredric I think the course was about the experience, and not so much about the aims of the topics.
4.2.2. Robert I guess so. At least we have produced something for each topic.
5. Community learning moments
5.1. What impact had the "sharing of the content and discussions" on you?
5.1.1. Mona
5.1.2. Anna I Thought that sharing, or rather listen to the others were very interesting, especially a few week in to the course when I got hold of the situation and goals a bit more
5.1.3. Catherine I enjoyed the discussions, different perspectives which were unprompted but rather from experience and within context.
5.1.4. Robert
5.1.5. Fredric To be honest. Not that much. However, I didn´t expect this. Blogging isn´t that effective for feedback, in my experience.
5.1.6. Francisca I had not much time to read a lot on the community, but I hope the community stays open for a while and I can read and comment on others more. I was surprised that I did not get comments on by blogs, altough I thought they were sometimes a litle bit recalcitrant. I don't know why. Maybe other don't have time either, or my English is too bad. Topic 5 (Open education) was "terrible" - too wide discussion for me. I did not get the context from my perspective. The message, question, problem was not clear. I only discovered other questions, too less answers.
6. The course #ONL161
6.1. *How do you judge the topics and the related aims. Are they relevant for you?
6.1.1. Mona
6.1.2. Anna The different aims were very relevant, and really follwoing my own personal development in the area of ONL. Learned a lot from reflecting on motivation in different areas
6.1.3. Catherine Relevance!! Without a shadow of a doubt. however like with any learning experience it is now up to me to put the skills I have learnt into practice so that I can become more proficient.
6.1.4. Fredric They were relevant. However, they all blurred, which makes me wonder if they will keep "in memory" that easily (that is what a structure helps you a lot with).
6.1.5. Francisca Most of them. I wish there was a litle bit more private sector training, training on the workfloor-learning included
6.1.6. Robert I think the topics are well selected and runs quite well with the progress of the course. At the moment this course over my head and for the time being not very relevant, but rather interesting.
6.2. How do you judge about working with the Fish document, the way PBL1 did?
6.2.1. Mona
6.2.2. Anna It is good with a structure, and Fish was new to me. I did not realize until now how very important it it to have a structure to start with, and this I will have in my own course in the future. That gives the students a feeling of control and security. I think there might be better ways to merge all the participants thoughts and make it more "meta", when that is the aim of the learning activity.
6.2.3. Catherine At first I did struggle trying to understand the FISH document but as the course developed I saw the purpose and value of it. Once again time was an issue but when all the parties did engage there was enormous value in what was discussed.
6.2.4. Robert
6.2.5. Fredric *Worked well in the course, per topic. However, the learning of each topic was kind of isolated by each FISh document. (Which was not that good when the topics blurred, since things didn´t "carry over" that easily.)
6.2.6. Francisca *Filling in the Fish was good. It is like how an artist works. first focus, then inquiry and then share. The problem part was the discussion. Because of our different background, because we had to get used to each other and different levels of discussion-online-skills , problems with language, the rules in the group were not clear. We could not choose as a topic as a group,later on I forced the group a little and tried to stear by asking questions and prepare some topics in my own way. I doubt if this is the way....
7. Groupmembers
7.1. Your special Learning moments/eye-opneners CONTENT OF THE COURSE
7.1.1. Mona
7.1.2. Anna The topic on what keeps us motivated and in the course,which was about the same time when I really was closed to just leave, because I did not follow in time, had not been really prepared for the weeks topic, and that made me going! And also learning from it,
7.1.3. Catherine Discovery of either new apps or ones I was vaguely familiar with but learnt more on how to navigate through them. I concur with Frederic, time, technical and difference in abilities were eye openers going into any further online engagement
7.1.4. Fredric *Looking into the different technical platforms out there (beyond FB, Twitter, etc.) Problems encountered as participant (technical, time-wise, etc.)
7.1.5. Francisca Integration of Scientific approach of knowledge (Literature) and work experience in the Fish model delivers more questions than we can answer; it is inspiring, but could we do more? *2. Online & synchronous work needs more development in #ONL *Making more profit of software tools : whiteboard, chatpods, polls, Q & A, groups *Making more structure, routines *Technical skills to use audio, headset en webcam *Methods for discussion, conclusion, questioning
7.1.6. Robert *The tools - In many ways a new and interesting world for me. I must say at first I thought they were too many, but some of them are really nice. *All of Googles - going to use it more *Adobe Connect - like this platform. First time in webinars for me and I thought it work quite well, the technical stuff that is. *Powtoon - fun, but not really sure how I am going to use it in the future. *Paldet, Mindmeister, etc could be useful. *PBL collaboration Potentials Obstacles OER I were not very familiar with this. Creative Commons are definitely going to be used more by me. Eventually I might start sharing as well. That I probably should do some more networking
7.2. Which issue or topic you want to inquire more? What questions are left for you?
7.2.1. Mona
7.2.2. Anna The part where we are "designing a course, is what I will continue working with.
7.2.3. Catherine Understanding the collaborative learning space and negotiating ways to improve the level of engagement
7.2.4. Fredric *Is it really more effective? Does it have to be?
7.2.5. Francisca *Working models for online workgroups using webinarsoftware like Adobe Connect, Blackboard Collaborate, iLinc etc. *What skills, knowledge and experience do you need to scaffold online and synchronous learning Effective collaboration in synchronous learning *sessions *Peer2peer feedback; methods, working models, learning activities for students, professionals, teachers of different ages. *The open/share- discussion is very difficult for me because I have to earn money as a small entrepeneur. How can I be open all my stuff, even if I would? I have bad experiences. Last week I had to go to court because of content abuse... that didn't help. I want to inquire how I can share thing (without being superficially)
7.2.6. Robert PBL *Creative Commons
7.3. *Did the course meets your expectations? Why, why not?
7.3.1. Mona
7.3.2. Anna I learned a lot of different aspects of online teaching, both tools and more pedagogical ideas, which was my expectation.
7.3.3. Catherine In all honesty I entered the space a tad naive of what to expect. However saying that, when I did have a chance to engage I enjoyed every moment and as I have said before I have certainly walked away empowered.
7.3.4. Fredric A little bit of both... learnt less content-wise than I thought, but the experience especially reinforced some ideas I had previously.
7.3.5. Francisca My expectations have been exceeded.The PBL group and the facilitator were the motor. I felt and know that if I had more time, I could make even more of it. For me this free structured learning place fitts well.
7.3.6. Robert I expected everything to be much more different than it was. For me I has been a nice journey in to something unknown. A good experience and I am glad I applied for the course.
7.4. *What was more important, your expanding knowledge (cognitive) or the learning experience?
7.4.1. Mona
7.4.2. Anna I would say the learning experience, being new I a role and field really showed me how new students may experience their situation, and how I can help them
7.4.3. Catherine Can I say both?
7.4.4. Robert
7.4.5. Fredric In this course the experience, this course was rather ineffective at getting any knowledge across. (However, not a big problem really, considering the focus on the experience.)
7.4.6. Francisca Because of the course I made time to read some very interesting papers. I was happy they were selected for me. That was time saving. The learning experience gave me the insight how others deal with these new technologies in learning. So I could see my professional place between the others. That was very valuable for me. Now I know my own value in this context.
7.4.7. Robert The course opened a door to a new world in a way. New terminology, methods, tools and in English which I really speak. I’m not sure I will be a visitor or a resident, regardless it has been a good experience.
7.5. How did I do it? What did you learn about your own learning in this course? What do you keep in mind for next time?
7.5.1. Mona
7.5.2. Anna The value of getting feedback! all of us do better when getting feedback.
7.5.3. Catherine
7.5.4. Robert
7.5.5. Fredric I didn´t learn so much about myself, as I learnt about the learning strategies of others.
7.5.6. Francisca I learned that I love learning this way *I need also a kind af structure in my planning to prepare, think and write. It took more time than I expected. I missed something beacause of my holiday, but I came back 3 x more fresh, so I could work double hard.
7.5.7. Robert *Time - I must have more time if I am going to attend one of these courses again. I did put a lot of hours in to this, due to my inexperience. Still it was not enough, I would have prepared myself even more to get the most out of this course.
7.6. Which learning moments are you implementing in your own professional practice? And how? When? (Could we do a follow-up live session to talk about our implementation practices ?) Connecting & networking, Digital Literacy, Collaborative Learning & communities, Flexible & mobile learning, Open educational Practices, Designing Learning environments
7.6.1. Mona
7.6.2. Catherine
7.6.3. Fredric Nothing (much) as of yet, since I don´t do much online teaching. However, I now have a basis for the future.
7.6.4. Francisca *1. Don't start with content before students are familiair with platforms and techniqies, more sandboxsessions for those who are insecure. 2. Networking and connecting is very valuable. Connections starts often with having fun. (Preparing something together, Tweetchat) That makes connecting easier. When it is only serieus en non personal, it doesn't work with me. 3. Collaborative Learning Communities: I learned a lot because all my knowledge and experience was suddenly in some kind of context. I was so happy what I made for myself. Attachment added.
7.6.5. Robert *As for now we use LMS at my department more or less for storing information, videos, etc. I hope to be able to use some of the input from this course to modify my courses so that we use more online tools etc. How and what I will do I don't know yet.
7.6.6. Anna I need to start with create a safe learning environment/ on line class room, which includes giving the students time and tasks to learn to use the platform In the beginning, they should have shorter deadline I n order to start working, and by that also increase the feeling of security and achievement.both individually and as a group.
7.7. Which technologies used in ONL161 (Twitter, Adobe Connect, Online Learning Platforms, etc.) were you inspired to include (or are already including) in your own teaching?".
7.7.1. Mona
7.7.2. Anna Blogging and activity tracker
7.7.3. Catherine
7.7.4. Robert Adobe Connect - if I need to do a webinar with my students I am going to use it. *Google+, I see a lot of potential in it. If not only for sharing shopping-lists within my family
7.7.5. Fredric I was more inspired by Moodle, but I cannot use it since my university has bought another system.
7.7.6. Francisca Adobe Connect, Blackboard, iLinc, Blackboard Collaborate, Twitter, Google maps, *I didn't use Google+, and I love it!. So I will be integrating that as a community platform if it is permited by the customer.
7.8. *What do you need for making your next steps? Is there something the members of this group or the ONL community can help?
7.8.1. Mona
7.8.2. Anna I think having my own course to try what I learned will be the best way for me to making the next step
7.8.3. Catherine
7.8.4. Robert At the moment I guess I have to give it a little bit of rest. I think I have to go through the material again and read some of the material that I didn't find the time to read.
7.8.5. Fredric When/If we launch the MOOC in the EU IC I am in, then it would be great if someone from the PBL group would be interested to test it.
7.8.6. Francisca I want to ask my PBL-fellows if they want to join synchronous sessions with me to develop collaboratively working methods for our own classrooms (6 sessions a year + 1 Google community for experiences, etc)
7.9. *Do you want to give a tip, a compliment or are you gratefull for something or someone. Do you have questions for someone? Please express yourself.
7.9.1. Francisca I want to thank Victoria for her positive contribution, and her personal and professional involvement. I wish we had 'used' her more for her expertise of creative tools and methods. Her humor is great. I want to thank Lars because he was always in the sky watching us on the ground struggling and playing and putting things in perspective. His personal and professional involvement, his pleasure in what we were doing together was very valuable for me (and the group I think). I Thank Robert and Catherine for the fun we had in between the serious activities, and there openness about their struggles. I Thank Anna because of her questions on the Fish document and her latest blog. I want to read more from Anna. I want to know more from Anna. I thank Mona for her special and experienced insights which she shared with us, while staying her own self. I am very gratefull to the ONL team that I could join this course. Fredric was very important to me because he represents the "working with knowledge" part of this course for me in a very pleasent way. I learned a lot of him. I think I am always busy with process, groups, persons. I wish I could work more with Fredric because he make my world larger. Thank you Fredric.
7.9.2. Fredric I appreciate the efforts by everyone in keeping the PBL Group discussions running. Especially Francisca, which structuring things together with was a good experience, and Robert, who I enjoyed reading the blogging by.
7.9.3. Robert Big thanks to the facilitators, Lars and Victoria, who keept us on the right track and adding value to the topics. To all group members I would like to send my appreciations. Francisca the doer for the tremendously good work. Fredrik who always outperform and pinpoint analyses. Anna for nice input and blogs. Catherine for sharing her experiences. Mona for nice ideas and chat.
7.9.4. Catherine
7.9.5. Anna I am greatly impressed by Roberts structure throughout the course! I am grateful for Franciscas engagement in every topic Working on topic 3 with Catherine was great, humor and the same frustration for the time being too short
7.9.6. Mona