eTwinning students Field placements ICT 2016: Iceland,....?

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eTwinning students Field placements ICT 2016: Iceland,....? por Mind Map: eTwinning students Field placements ICT 2016: Iceland,....?

1. "Food for thought"

1.1. Indications for good practice?

1.2. Recommendations - good tools, teaching methods?

2. Technology (software)

2.1. Turfhunt (Johann)

2.1.1. Had to use sms as backup.

2.2. iMovie (Sæunn)

2.3. Garageband (Sæunn)

2.4. Kahoot (Halla)

2.5. digital workbook (Johann)

2.6. Programming with html and CSS (Sæunn)

2.7. Scratch junior ( Birna)

2.8. Green Screen (Sæunn)

2.9. Comic life (Jóhanna)

2.10. ( Birna)

2.11. Cartooning with Flash (Sæunn)

3. Pedagogy

3.1. Creative expression (Jóhanna)

3.2. Outdoor learning (Johann)

3.3. Cooperative learning, group work (Johann, Halla )

4. Content knowledge, age groups

4.1. Icelandic+literacy+ICT, 7-8 (Jóhanna, Birna)

4.2. ICT, 11 - 16 (Sæunn)

4.3. ICT 13 - 14 (Johann)

5. Technology (hardware)

5.1. Ipads and desk computers (Johann, Birna, Halla)