Danny,Khalid,Joe and ollies internet safety website ideas.

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Danny,Khalid,Joe and ollies internet safety website ideas. by Mind Map: Danny,Khalid,Joe and ollies internet safety website ideas.

1. internet safety song

1.1. random songs

1.2. any songs

1.3. funny songs

2. information

2.1. surveys

2.1.1. facebook page who we are what our task was

3. pictures.

3.1. internet safety voki

3.1.1. internet safety pics

4. what to post and what to not

4.1. adress

4.1.1. name pictures of your self naked

5. name of website

5.1. be safe, be happy on your computer.

5.1.1. internet safety by danny, joe,khalid,ollie

6. videos

6.1. videos from vimeo

6.1.1. videos from youtube videos from xtranormal

7. pages

7.1. contact us page

7.1.1. home planning our research

7.2. advice

7.2.1. internet safety