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Real Estate Team создатель Mind Map: Real Estate Team

1. Me: Owner

1.1. Help Others Get What They Want

1.2. Set Values Objective Strategy and Culture

1.3. Define Systems and Processes

1.4. Finance Operational and Marketing Expnses

1.5. Negotiating Major Deals

1.6. Networking

1.7. Education

1.8. Strategic Investing and Aquisition

1.9. Launching New Markets and Niches

1.10. Hire Best People for Best Roles

1.10.1. Define Job Roles Personal Assistant

1.10.2. Hire Based on Personality

1.10.3. Motivates and rewards Performance

1.11. Tracks KPIs

1.11.1. Leads Per Contact

1.11.2. Average Deal Size

1.11.3. Cost Per Lead (by campaign)

1.11.4. Average Contact to Close Time (in days)

1.11.5. Direct Marketing Budget Based on KPIs

1.11.6. Implement Improvements for Optimization

2. Marketing Manager

2.1. SEO

2.1.1. Employee

2.1.2. Employee

2.2. Social Media

2.2.1. Employee

2.2.2. Employee

2.3. Content

2.3.1. Employee

2.3.2. Employee

2.4. Implement Improvements for Optimization

2.5. SEO Reseller

3. Finance

3.1. Funding

3.1.1. Employee

3.1.2. Employee

3.2. Tax filings

3.2.1. Employee

3.2.2. Employee

3.3. Payroll

3.3.1. Employee

3.3.2. Employee

3.4. Implement Improvements for Optimization

4. Transaction Coordinator

4.1. Customer Relationship Managment

4.1.1. In-Bound Lead Follow-Up Answer Lve Phone Calls SMS/Text eMail Voice-Mail Voice Broadcast Skype Push Notification New Topic

4.1.2. Make Written Offers

4.1.3. Lead Manager/Caller | Admin Assistant for Real Estate Investment

4.2. Deal construction

4.2.1. Employee

4.2.2. Employee

4.3. Revenue projections

4.3.1. Employee

4.3.2. Employee

4.4. Implement Improvements for Optimization

5. Legal

5.1. Partnerships

5.1.1. Employee

5.1.2. Employee

5.2. Risks

5.2.1. Employee

5.2.2. Employee

5.3. Agreements

5.3.1. Employee

5.3.2. Employee

5.4. Implement Improvements for Optimization

6. Product

6.1. Design

6.1.1. Employee

6.1.2. Employee

6.2. R & D

6.2.1. Employee

6.2.2. Employee

6.3. Upgrades

6.3.1. Employee

6.3.2. Employee

6.4. Implement Improvements for Optimization