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Copy of Market Research da Mind Map: Copy of Market Research

1. Why do you need market research

1.1. to decide on the location of a store

1.2. common mistakes made by entrepreneurs

2. Costs

2.1. What's the price of market research

3. Attention points

3.1. Interpretation of results

4. Desk Research

4.1. online public ressources

4.1.1. A guide to desk research (part 1/2)

4.1.2. A guide to desk research (part 2/2)

4.2. scientific papers

5. Competition analysis

5.1. Professional fairs

5.2. Porter 5-forces tool

6. Qualitative techniques

6.1. observations

6.2. ethnography

6.3. interviews

6.3.1. How to prepare an interview guide

6.3.2. How to code a qualitative interview

6.3.3. How to conduct qualitative research in different languages / countries

6.3.4. a general guide to qualitative interviews

6.4. focus groups

6.4.1. Interviews or Focus Groups ? What is best.

6.4.2. Problems that can't be solved with focus groups

7. Environment analysis

7.1. 5 questions to be answered with a PESTE analysis

8. Quantitative techniques

8.1. Questionnaires and surveys

8.1.1. tips and tricks about online surveys

8.1.2. 3 reasons why customer satisfaction surveys fail

8.1.3. how satisfaction measurements differ between SMEs and big organizations

8.2. Analysis of observed behaviors (Big Data)

8.2.1. introduction to data mining in SMEs