by Estefania Peña
1. matter
2. molecules
3. cluster of atoms with unique characteristics
4. hydrocarbons
5. organic compounds
6. hydrogen and carbons
7. macromolecules
8. building block in life
9. proteins
10. made of aminoacid (monomers)
11. responsable of muscle contraction
12. carres oxygen in the body
13. carbohydrates
14. made of manosaccharides (monomers)
15. sugar and starches
16. short-term energy
17. lipids
18. made of glycerol and fatty acids
19. fats and oils
20. long-term energy
21. help create proteins
22. biochemical cycles
23. bio
24. living organism
25. geo
26. land
27. chemical
28. molecules reactions and atoms.
29. law of conservation of matter
30. matter transformed
31. not created
32. not destroyed
33. water cycle
34. water play a role in the enviornment
35. properties of water
36. cohesion
37. water molecules stick to themselves
38. expands when freeze
39. lebels of water cycle
40. Aquifers
41. condensation
42. evaporation
43. percipitation
44. surface renoff
45. groundwater
46. transpiration
47. carbon cycle
48. carbon
49. building block of llife
50. essential for DNA, fats, carbohydrates and more
51. carbon gas
52. carbon dioxide
53. help to maintain earth's temperature
54. stored in ocean, temperature and rocks
55. carbon sinks
56. place where a lot of carbon is stored
57. pathway 1
58. carbon moves between the atmosphere, ocean and living things
59. plants use CO2 of air and oceans to do photosynthesis
60. consumer eats plants, so carbons moves though food webs
61. with respiration carbon go directly to air
62. descomposition makes carbon returns to soil, water and air
63. pathway 2
64. carbon travels from living things to rocks, air and water
65. then livings things will be use it again
66. this process takes millions of years
67. pathway 3
68. formation and burning of fossil fuels
69. oils and natural gass for death organism
70. chemical change takes place and turns into petroleum
71. this process takes millions of years
72. when we burn the oil carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere so it may be able to plant to use it
73. human affected carbon dioxide
74. deforastation
75. removing trees that absorb carbon dioxide
76. burning of fossils fuels in industry and vehicles
77. the amount of carbon dioxide is been rising, and contributes to global warming
78. nitrogen cycle
79. nitrogen
80. important element in organic compounds
81. the most abundant gas in the atmosphere
82. the cycle is: from the atmosphere, to living things and then to the atmosphere again.
83. living things get nitrogen from the food.
84. living things can't use notrogen molecules they take it as a nitrate
85. nitrate is form then nitrogen is combinated with oxigen
86. nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert nitrogen into ammonia and then into nitrates.
87. plants used nitrates to make proteins
88. animals take nitrogen by eating plants
89. All material in the universe that occupies and space (has mass)
90. atoms
91. Smallest unit of a level
92. example: oxigen hydrogen,etc.
93. protons (+). neutrons (-)
94. organic compounds
95. have carbon
96. inorganic compounds
97. no carbon
98. nucleic acid
99. nucleotides (monomers)
100. DNA and RNA
101. molecules store genetic information
102. acids, bases and PH
103. biosphere
104. all living thins, once they are alive or death they still being part of the enviornment
105. abiotic
106. not living
107. biotic
108. living
109. geosphere
110. made up of rock
111. below earth's surface
112. lithosphere
113. hard rock
114. on and below earth's surface
115. atmosphere
116. gaseous envelop around the planet
117. hydrosphere
118. earth's supply of water
119. PH
120. to know how bases or asidic a solution is
121. humans alteres nitrogen cycle
122. fertilizers contain nitrogen, placed in the law
123. destruction of forest
124. burning of fossils fuel
125. phosphorus cycle
126. not a gas, don't enter the atmosphere
127. the cycle is: start on land, then to ocean and finally land again
128. water take it from the rocks and then leave it the soil plants root cant absorb it
129. makes DNA animals to take phosphate from the food.
130. oxygen cycle
131. photosynthesis and respiration
132. opposite reactions
133. plants produce oxygen with the process of photosynthesis
134. animals take oxygen and release carbon dioxide with the process of respiration