Chemistry Vocabulary Concept Map

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Chemistry Vocabulary Concept Map by Mind Map: Chemistry Vocabulary Concept Map

1. Atomic Number- the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

1.1. Mass Number- the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus

2. Electron Dot Diagram- a diagram that shows the number of valence electrons an element has by surrounding the symbol with dots

3. Element- a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances

4. Isotope- one of several forms of the same element

5. Nucleus- positively charged, dense center of an atom

5.1. Atomic Radius- the distance from the nucleus to the outermost electrons

5.1.1. Energy Level- where energy levels orbit the nucleus

5.2. Proton- a positively charged particle located in the nucleus

5.3. Neutron- a particle with no charge that resides in the nucleus

5.4. Electron- negatively charged particle that moves around the nucleus

5.4.1. Positron- the positively charged antimatter counterpart of an electron

6. Periodic Table- a chart that organizes elements based on their properties

6.1. Chemical family- a vertical column in the periodic table of elements

6.2. Period- a horizontal row of the periodic table

7. Diagonal rule- a rule shows the order in which subshell electrons

7.1. Hund's rule- a rule stating that,within a subshell, electrons will occupy all the unoccupied spaces before sharing orbitals

7.2. Pauli exclusion principle- a rule that states that no two electrons can have exactly the same location and state

7.3. Aufbau principle- a rule that electrons will occupy the lowest subshell available

8. Valence Electrons- electrons found in the outermost energy level

9. Orbital- region of space occupied by an electron or pair of electrons

10. Atom- basic unit of matter

11. Ion- atom or molecule that has an electrical charge because it has gained or lost electrons

12. Radioactive- capable of releasing radiation

12.1. Daughter product- an atom that results from the decay of a radioactive atom

12.2. Alpha particle- positively charged particle that is emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive atom

12.2.1. Beta particle- negatively charged particle that is emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive atom

13. Electron configuration- a description of the shells , subshells occupied by electrons

14. Shell- particular region where electrons can orbit the nucleus

14.1. Subshell- a subdivision of a shell

15. Nuclear Decay- the process in which a radioactive atom spontaneously releases articles and/or energy

16. Gamma ray- the highest energy form of electromagnetic radiation

17. Subatomic particle- unit of matter smaller than an atom