Joe Crump's Push Button Automarketer Review

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Joe Crump's Push Button Automarketer Review by Mind Map: Joe Crump's Push Button Automarketer Review

1. 1) Best at

1.1. 100% Computer Based Automation

1.1.1. Auto Text Blasts

1.1.2. Auto Voicemail Blasts

1.1.3. Auto Email Blasts

1.1.4. Auto Email Follow Up

1.2. Excellent Video Tutorials to Work the Software

2. 2) What You'll Get

2.1. All Video Training

2.2. Auto Marketer Software

2.3. 4 Pre Made Websites

2.3.1. Buyer

2.3.2. Seller

2.3.3. Credibility

2.3.4. FSBO

3. 3) Pro's / Con's

3.1. Pro's


3.1.2. Websites Pre Made

3.1.3. Requires no Thinking & Removes Analysis Paralysis

3.1.4. You Press Button = Your Phone Will Ring. That Simple

3.2. Con's

3.2.1. Setting up the software take a few days

3.2.2. Some of the Language is a little Salesy on Marketing Material

4. 4) Who It's For / Not For

4.1. For

4.1.1. Want Instant Automation without Having to Outsource

4.2. Not For

4.2.1. If you want total control of Marketing Information

5. 5) Other Course Options

5.1. Custumizable Automation

5.1.1. Joe McCall - Wholesaling Lease Option

5.2. Live in Texas

5.2.1. John Jackson

6. 6) Value

6.1. I would say the Value I Received was spot on at $1,000 which is what it sells for.

6.2. Click Here to Check Out the Program