Maria Alcolea´s PLE
by maria alcolea castillo
1. Google drive is the best tool to share things with people in a fast way. This year it has influenced in my Ple.
2. Gmail is useful to read news about pages which I follow and also to share information.
3. In twitter and Facebook I can read, I can share( photos,news..) and I can reflect about the things that I read.
4. I used conceptual maps to understand better things that I haven´t understood at first. It help me a lot because it is so clear for me
5. My primary teachers, my family, my boyfriend and my classmates are a basic piece of my PLE.
6. Thanks to skype I can reflect with my group when we are doing a task.
7. With wordreference I can check some words that I don´t know when I´m studying.
8. All nights I read books with my e-book during a short time.
9. I look videos in youtube to lern and also now I´m start to upload videos and share it.