1. Adverts
1.1. TV Adverts
1.1.1. TV ads can be easily target the right audience, they receive a large viewership and cannot be ignored. however these to can be expensive.
1.2. Online advertising
1.2.1. Due to specialized tracking algorithms it is even easier to gain the right target audience and advertising online. these adverts vary in price but can be quite cheap.
2. Events
2.1. Give aways
2.1.1. Giveaways make people happy and gain you attention, they are more likely to recommend your product to friends and will increase the revenue you receive. However these can be very expensive and encour loss instead of profit. Often companies collaborate or even get involved in sponsored events.
2.1.2. Shows Shows like CES attract thousands of journalists who will cost likely feature your product, overall gaining the attention of millions of people for a very low price.
3. Competions
3.1. Completions draw a lot of attention to your product for a low cost, often those that dont win still buy the product anyway, it is a relay cheap and effective way to gain publicity.
3.2. Often company ask people to follow them on Instagram or to re-tweet a post to enter the competitions witch results in them gaining publicity.
4. Ballons
4.1. Large balloons are very noticeable and easy to produce, the advertising cost and logistics are very simple. Furthermore, this would be a very easy way of captivating people: it stands out, it big, its different.
5. Large Scale
5.1. Tains
5.1.1. Trains are very popular modes of transport and currently don't have ads on them, this would mean a very low price for the ads and would be viewed by thousands of people, the only problem being there would not be an effective way of targeting specific groups, so it would not be the most effective way.
5.2. Areoplanes
5.2.1. Adding an advert on the outside of a plane would be very easy and noticeable. However it would only be visible to a few passengers. However I think advertising in airports and areoplane magazines could be a very cost effective and efficient method of advertising.
6. Product Reviews
6.1. Shopping chanels
6.1.1. Shopping channels have a large audience and feature trained professionals who are good at persuading people to by the product.
6.2. Youtube Chanels
6.2.1. YouTube content creators are usually very trusted, having them feature a product would make it more likely for their review to be considered unbiased and sending out free review samples can often incite more positive reviews and quickly/cheaply encompass a large audience.
6.3. Written Review
6.3.1. Written reviews are in-depth and are often the deciding factor for a potential customer, they can also be bribed to give more positive reviews. That being said this method is usually very expensive.