1. Ausvels.
1.1. Participating in physical activity
1.1.1. Individual, non competitive, competitive team sport.
1.1.2. Tactical knowledge to improve individual and team performance.
1.2. Providing knowledge, behaviours and skills necessary to participate in a lifelong involvement of physical activity, health and well being.
1.3. Role of food in meeting dietary needs & factors that influence food choices.
2. Physical resources
2.1. http://www.healthyactive.gov.au/internet/healthyactive/publishing.nsf/Content/schoolcommu_resourcekit.pdf/$File/schoolcommu_resourcekit.pdf
2.1.1. This resource explains how schools play a integral part in promoting physical activity.
2.1.2. The resource goes on to explain that each school should have a policy regarding physical activity, implementing strategies to involve sports equipment, school playgrounds, duration of sports lessons.
2.2. http://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/physicalactivity/cspap.htm
2.2.1. This resource discusses the guidelines utilised by American schools, by providing various activities to promote moderate to vigorous activity.
2.2.2. The resource also suggests that the schools have responsibility to educate, children in all aspects of physical activity.
2.3. http://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/community-programs/pdf/school-community/daily-physical-activity-guide.pdf
2.3.1. This resource has thorough descriptions of why physical activities are important, why it is essential for development, how physical activity is relevant to the curriculum , development of motor skills,
2.3.2. This resource also provides a series of lesson plans to focus on certain skills and abilities.
2.4. http://www.jumprope.org.au/Pages/default.aspx
2.4.1. Jump rope for heart is a program that encourages student involvement in physical activity by enabling students to fund raise their skipping efforts for heart disease.
2.4.2. Jump rope for heart is also a success story of how schools can implement this plan and it can gather the attention and promotion of physical activity.
2.5. http://www.goforyourlife.vic.gov.au/hav/articles.nsf/practitioners/primary_schools?Open
2.5.1. This resource explains the health benefits of physical exercise for students and how to implement some ideas to promote physical activity as a benefit in a whole school setting.
3. Vegetable patch
3.1. http://www.maribyrnong.vic.gov.au/Page/Page.aspx?Page_Id=3226
3.1.1. This resource gives a list of community based gardens around the local area.
3.2. http://www.starweekly.com.au/news/schoolyard-goes-green/
3.2.1. A newspaper article describing how a school has enlisted some help in setting up a vegetable patch. It gives a great indication that this idea can successfully work.
3.3. http://www.letsmove.gov/school-garden-checklist
3.3.1. Utilizing this resource gives teachers a checklist of areas that need attending to prior to starting a vegetable patch. The resource gives teachers, students and the school the ability to cover all the planning, building and educational requirements. .
3.4. http://www.utne.com/community/school-garden-benefits-ze0z1505zdeh.aspx
3.4.1. This resource enables teachers to see the educational benefits from having a vegetable patch. It covers areas such as a hands on approach to maintaining the garden, to using a maths lesson to work out the diameter and volume of a garden box.
3.5. http://www.csgn.org/why-school-gardens
3.5.1. This resource follows the same lines as the previous one however, it focuses more on four points of educational benefits, which are; environmental stewardship, healthy lifestyle, community and social development and academic achievement
4. Physical activities
4.1. Using school facilities available to encourage physical exercise
4.1.1. Play equipment, school oval, multi purpose courts.
4.2. Walking, running, hopping and jumping.
4.3. Utilizing extrinsic motivation factors to advocate physical exercise.
4.3.1. Understanding how a pedometer works.
4.3.2. Setting achievable individual, classroom and school goals.
5. Intended outcomes
5.1. Whole school inclusion.
5.2. Further students knowledge on where food comes from, how it's grown and nutritional values.
5.3. Promotion of physical activity, where emphasis is placed on team involvement, benefits of regular physical exercise and encouraging community involvement.
5.3.1. Jump rope for heart
5.3.2. Walk-a-thon fundraisers
5.4. Encouraging students involvement with environment sustainability.
5.4.1. Understanding the role that we have as a race in order to preserve nature.
5.5. Including relevant classroom subjects such as maths, science and English, to connect to the vegetable garden.
5.5.1. Teaching how area and volume are relevant to the planter boxes.
5.5.2. Writing stories inspired by the vegetable garden.
6. Pedagogy
6.1. Using a hands on approach to learning
6.2. Collaborative learning
6.3. Encouragement of healthy lifestyles
6.4. Developing skills to enable students to structure their own learning environments.
7. Planning
7.1. Linking together the benefits of physical exercise and making healthy eating choices.
7.2. Allocating an appropriate space in the school to facilitate a vegetable garden.
7.3. Inquiring about buying pedometers for the school, taking into account how many students there are and negotiating a reasonable price.
7.3.1. http://www.heartratemonitorsusa.com/collections/low-cost-pedometer This website sells pedometers in bulk and the cost of one pedometer starts as low as $1 in US dollar or $1.35 AUS dollar.
7.4. Investing in the materials required to adequately build and maintain a vegetable garden.
7.4.1. Wood for the planter boxes, soil, vegetable seeds, gardening materials such as spades, gloves, forks and pruners.
7.5. Investigating the broader educational purposes from implementing the health promotion plan.
7.6. Having a thorough understanding of the intended outcomes for the physical activity component.
7.7. Having the commitment from the whole school and the community.
8. Benefits from implementing the health plan.
8.1. Implementing learning via a number of different disciplines.
8.1.1. Maths, science, English, humanities.
8.2. Active learning environment
8.3. Learning useful gardening skills.
8.4. Connection to the community.
8.4.1. Planting specific plants that are native to the local area.
8.4.2. Inviting people from the local community to assist in gardening classes.
8.5. Promoting physical activity using extrinsic motivation factors.
8.5.1. Utilizing pedometers as a form of motivation, by encouraging the students to set and break records.
8.6. Gives students a sense of teamwork and individual pride in their work.
8.6.1. Encouraging students to work together in order to achieve group or individual goals.