New IT Dept Issues & Concerns

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New IT Dept Issues & Concerns por Mind Map: New IT Dept Issues & Concerns

1. Expansion considerations – more offices, remote offices (downstream)

2. Making Best Use of internet e-mail

2.1. email archiving/Oxley-Sarbanes

3. Setting limits on saving files – decrease backup costs, keep server “clean” - bizcase for “near-line backup (diskeeper?)

4. Document Current System

4.1. Create IT Service Center - One-stop-shop for IT services

4.2. Recurrent issues documentation

4.2.1. As-is State

4.2.2. Tech Processes

4.2.3. Biz & Tech Intersections

4.2.4. Update current equipment listing (asset mgmt – Ilient)

4.2.5. IT system documentation including building wiring (digitize)

4.2.6. Infrastructure Security

5. To replace an unstable peer-to-peer network or start from scratch.

6. ExtraNet Activity

6.1. Suppliers

6.2. Contractors

6.3. must interact w/ Web, TM & CM dB's

6.4. Host this...

7. Web Site (public)

7.1. must interact w/ TM & CM dB's

7.2. Host this...

8. My Geistesblitzes

8.1. google chrome

8.2. OTC derivatives

8.3. OTC derivatives

8.4. foodtv

9. Media Room (downstream)

10. Untitled

10.1. Additional ReStore (internet-based B/U) in another location

11. Desktop standardization

11.1. Consider Open Source?Unbuntu/OpenOffice etc.

11.2. Standardize on apps or OS, or both?

11.3. Standardize network on "Full Service Intranet:.

12. IT Dept

12.1. PMO

12.1.1. Replace hubs/switches ReWire IT room

12.1.2. Faxing to PC’s (why???!!!!) Business case please!

12.1.3. Back-up Server – business case please!

12.1.4. Wi-Fi & wireless networking

12.2. Business Process

12.2.1. Process Manger (downstream)

12.2.2. Business Analysis

12.2.3. Business Intelligence

12.3. Operations

12.3.1. System Admin Server maintenance & software updates (automate this)

12.3.2. Infrasrtucture Security Internet monitoring – sites visited by user and time spent on sites (research this – get good shareware product)

12.3.3. Calendars/Collaboration – consistent communication (Sharepoint/Intranet) In-House Collab Sharepoint Instant Mssg email

12.4. Professional Srvs - custom programming

12.5. Baseline SLA's