3rd Grade - Year @ A Glance

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3rd Grade - Year @ A Glance por Mind Map: 3rd Grade - Year @ A Glance

1. Social Studies

1.1. Regions of South Carolina

1.2. Exploration & Settlement of South Carolina

1.3. American Revolution

1.4. Civil War/Reconstruction

1.5. World War II/Cold War

2. Science

2.1. Matter

2.2. Electricity & Magnetism

2.3. Earth's Materials & Processes

2.4. Environments & Habitats

2.5. Websites

2.5.1. CK-12

3. Websites for All Subjects

3.1. Interactive Sites

3.2. Brainpop

3.3. Common Sense Media - Sites

3.4. Common Sense Media - Apps

3.5. Flocabulary

3.6. Study Jams

4. First Day of School

4.1. About the Teacher

4.2. Emaze

5. ELA

5.1. Poetry

5.2. Theme

5.3. Text Evidence

5.4. Text Structure

5.5. Text Features

5.6. Writing Process

5.6.1. Narrative

5.6.2. Opinion

5.6.3. Informative

5.7. Parts of Speech

5.8. Author's Craft

5.9. Character Analysis

5.10. Websites

5.10.1. LearnZillion

5.10.2. Reading A-Z

5.10.3. NewsELA

6. Math

6.1. Place Value

6.1.1. Midterm

6.2. Standard/Expanded Form

6.3. Compare & Order Numbers

6.4. Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication/Division

6.5. Properties of Operations

6.6. Fractions

6.7. Geometry

6.8. Measurement and Data

6.8.1. Time

6.8.2. Customary/Metric Units

6.8.3. Area/Perimeter

6.9. Websites

6.9.1. CK-12

6.9.2. Prodigy Math

6.9.3. Reflex Math

6.9.4. Dreambox