Laughter Out Of Place

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Laughter Out Of Place by Mind Map: Laughter Out Of Place

1. Ch.4 No Time for Childhood

1.1. Visit with Pedro

1.1.1. Key Points: Visitation restrictions, unclean living quarters, and Gloria's toughness towards in regards to her son

1.2. Kinds  of Children

1.2.1. 1. Home Children  2. Street Children   3. Institutionalized Children "Street Kids" seen as bandits

1.3. Life of children

1.3.1. Recruted to do the dirty work of favela gangs "Parentified" Children

1.4. Protection of Children

1.4.1. "Children are increasingly important in Brazil's discourse about urban violence..." Protection from different sources Ex: Gang leader of Gloria's favela banned child beatings

2. Themes

2.1. Violance

2.2. Lose of Childhood

2.3. Power of Gangs

2.4. Criminalization of the Poor

2.5. Matters Taken into Own Hands

3. Ch.5 State Terror, Gangs, and Violence

3.1. The Local Gang: lead by Dilmar (and later Breno)

3.1.1. began quite small, does not show obvious signs of wealth, and interestingly approves of Goldstein's work

3.2. Revenge

3.2.1. Violence used as a means of revenge by both police and bandits as a stand in for the legal system Used to deal with "private matters" Police working off hours as death squad members

3.3. Cases

3.3.1. Of: Sexual Abuse, Adultery, Gun Control, Petty Theft, etc...

3.4. Policing as Control

3.4.1. "Because the poor re criminalized, they bear the burden of corrupt dealings with the police Leads to distrust between the poor and their so called protectors

3.5. Religious Conversion

3.5.1. As a way to safety, a way of being spared