
Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Management создатель Mind Map: Management

1. During Trail (2-4 Weeks)

2. When To Hire & For What

2.1. What's The Biggest Leverage Point You Have?

2.2. What Tasks Are You Doing That You Shouldnt Be

2.3. In The Lead Gen Business - We Dont Hire Experts

2.4. Real Application

2.4.1. Sales Lead Gen For Sales Stack After 1 or 2nd Sales SDR Sustainable For You To Sell 3-5 Deals A Month

2.4.2. Fulfillment

3. Team Meetings/StandUps

3.1. Daily

3.1.1. What Needs To Be Done

3.1.2. Things You Need

3.1.3. Goal For The Day

3.2. Weekly

3.2.1. KPI's (Get Report Before Meeting)

3.2.2. Plans For The Weekend/Non Work (5-10 Minutes

3.2.3. Changes We Need To Make

3.2.4. Announcements

3.2.5. Typically We Do This Over "Lunch"

3.2.6. Lunch Meetings - 60 Minutes

4. Training Ciriculumn

4.1. Every position you hire for should have a pre-set training.

4.1.1. If not how do you evaluate new hires?

5. Compensation

5.1. Pay & Bonuses

5.1.1. We Dont Like To Just Give Raises Instead Bonuses - 10-25% Of Their Pay

5.2. Trial (2-4 Weeks)

5.2.1. Training Wage (50% Rate)

6. Slack

6.1. Opening & Closing Procedures

6.1.1. Check Email (Inbox Zero)

6.1.2. Post To Slack Your Here & When Your Leaving For The Day

6.1.3. Lunch - Post before you leave and when you get back

6.1.4. End Of Day Post - What You Worked On & Problems You Had Or Things You Need Help With

6.2. Multiple Team Members In Same Division/Category

6.2.1. Use Channels

6.3. 0 Email Company

6.4. 0 Skype Company

7. Documenation

7.1. reating written goals, principles, and processes that are guidelines for action and decision-making. This is one-time heavy lifting. It won’t take long

7.2. Awesome Tool For Documentation


7.3. Strategic Objective

7.3.1. short document outlining philosophy of company/life

7.4. General/Standard Operating Principles

7.4.1. keep these in mind, guiding decision makers

7.5. Working Principles

7.5.1. documentation of each subsystem

8. Stop "DOING" The Work

8.1. Do It - Systematize It - Outsource It

8.2. In this business again were not hiring experts you need to give them step by step instructions.

9. Separation, dissection, and repair of systems

9.1. The satisfying process of exposing, analyzing, and then perfecting personal, work, and relationship systems. This effort includes creating new systems from scratch as well as eliminating those that are unnecessary or are holding you back.

10. Ongoing Maintenance Of Systems

10.1. Greasing the wheels. This is easy because the positive tangible results of the Work the System method are motivating.

11. Random Thoughts

11.1. 80% As Good As You With Training

11.2. Problems are gifts that inspire us to action

11.3. Employee training is structured, scheduled and thorough

11.4. We operate the company via documented procedures and systems

11.5. We double-check everything before release

11.6. We find the simplest solution

11.7. Systems must be in place before freedom and money come

11.8. Things we do automatically (breakfast, driving, etc) are this way because at some point in time we paid attention

12. Resources

12.1. Work The System

12.1.1. Get It For Free Here:

12.2. Mastering The Rockefeller Habbits


12.3. Scrum In under 10 minutes


13. Virtual Bench

13.1. Our Hiring Is Always Basically Going - We Want To Have A "Bench" We Can Turn To When We Need A Player

13.2. Always be on the lookout for good people

14. Hire Fast/Fire Faster

14.1. People Typically Say Hire Slow, Fire Fast

14.1.1. Our System Is Perpetual We Are Always Building the Virtual Bench

14.1.2. Because Of That And How Are System Works We Are Always Hiring Dont get me wrong, they still have to go through all of our tests etc.

14.2. Hamburger Method

14.2.1. Compliment

14.2.2. Constructive Criticism

14.2.3. Compliment

14.3. Review After Onboarding

14.4. Formal Quarterly Reviews

14.5. Weekly/Monthly  Goals Too