Which Web 2.0 tools develop teaching and learning effectively?

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Which Web 2.0 tools develop teaching and learning effectively? by Mind Map: Which Web 2.0 tools develop teaching and learning effectively?

1. LMSs (e.g. Moodle)

2. Blogs

2.1. Engaging parents -sharing work

2.1.1. Other comments

2.2. As portfolios for students

2.2.1. learning logs encouraging boys writing!

3. Multimodal story telling resources

3.1. Photo story 3

3.2. Dvolver

3.3. Animoto

3.4. Voice Thread

4. Video and photographic Resources

4.1. You Tube

4.2. Viddler

4.3. Flick*r

4.3.1. Used with taggalaxy.com

5. Social networking

5.1. Facebook

5.2. Ning

5.3. Twitter

5.4. ELGG

5.5. Evernote

5.6. Glogster

6. Assessment as if learning mattered

6.1. Achievement for all agenda - access, aspiration and achievement

7. Specialist settings

8. Wikis

8.1. http://www.teachshare.org/ and other collaboration/best-practices sites

8.1.1. Using technology to support teachers' learning

8.2. Pupils contributing to shared knowledge

9. Discussions

9.1. Any blog

9.2. Google groups

9.3. Discussion forums (fora)

10. Games

10.1. Simulations

10.2. Location Based Gaming

10.2.1. SCVNGR

10.2.2. QR Code Based Hunts & Blogging

11. Collaborative Tools

11.1. Google Docs

11.2. Primary Pad / Pirate pad etc

11.3. See http://www.mindmeister.com/12213323/best-online-collaboration-tools-2010-robin-good-s-collaborative-map

11.4. Flash meeting

11.5. Stixy

12. bookmarking

12.1. Delicious

12.2. Bibsonomy

12.3. Mendeley

12.4. Diigo

12.5. Zotero

13. Other digital technologies

13.1. Video

13.2. Audio

13.3. Mobile

14. Enhancing assessment

15. Support in the classroom

16. Supporting parents

17. Enhancing data collection