Domestic Abuse Charity Visual Identity Project

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Domestic Abuse Charity Visual Identity Project por Mind Map: Domestic Abuse Charity Visual Identity Project

1. If possible, can you name other possible competitors on the market?

2. Where is your organization located?

3. Who are the target audience of the charity?

4. How many employees does the charity have?

5. What words / items best describe your charity?

6. What is the age range of your target customer base?

7. What are the long term goals of the charity?

8. Where will the logo be used?

9. What does your audience care about?

10. How do people come to know about your product, service, or organization?

11. Why does the audience need a new brand identity?

12. What part of your service matters most to your audience?

13. Do you have a tagline, If so, would you like to use it next to the logo?