Golden Rule

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Golden Rule by Mind Map: Golden Rule

1. Flashcards

1.1. Repetition

1.2. Memory

1.3. Practice Tests

2. Go to office hours

3. quizlet

4. don't cheat

5. learning center

5.1. tutoring

5.2. checking old quiz and test

5.3. work as a group

6. notes

6.1. Take note

6.1.1. take good notes

6.2. Review notes

7. Preview

7.1. read the book

7.2. attempt homework

8. study notes often

8.1. look over class notes once a day

8.2. review old concepts

9. Review

9.1. check missed questions

10. retry old quiz & homework problems

10.1. Start redoing individual parts and asking for help

10.2. Familiarize yourself with methods to solve equations and problems

11. ask questions

11.1. go to office ours

11.2. Ask your friends or tutors

12. Exercise

12.1. Aerobic

12.2. Anaerobic

12.2.1. Walking

12.2.2. Jogging

12.2.3. Riding bike

13. Get enough sleep

13.1. Take naps

13.2. slip sleep time into cycles

13.3. don't sleep in class

14. Study Buddy

15. Make a schedule

15.1. set aside time for each class

15.2. Use Excel

15.3. Use the planer we all received the first day of classes

16. Eat

17. How high will this go?

18. Lets find out

19. Hella Tall

20. above the sky

21. Tip of the world

22. all the way up

23. Form good study habits for revision

24. Reworking without help

25. Keep going