Copy of Bloom's Digital Taxonomy
by Barbara Reynolds
1. Online databases: Students can be led into creating their own labs. This is both more engaging and higher rigor then using a pre-created lab. But if the logistics of collecting data make a student-created lab experience impossible, the existence of online databases can surmount this barrier, and expedite students into the analysis step. Thus, online databases can be used to support students analysis. -James Younger
2. Vlogging/Blogging comments and reflecting: Present and defending opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria through blogging/vlogging is one way students can demonstrate their knowledge. To use vlogging/blogging in my class specifically, students can make video or blog posts about a social justice issues in their community or around the world. During this unit, students will be able to explore social justice issues while learning argumentative writing skills. Students can reflect and comment on each others' posts to gain others' perspectives and to strengthen their arguments -Sheridel De Vera
3. Create
3.1. Instagram: For one of my last assignments, I had my students summarize their learning of ecology, by choosing one animal and then applying all of the different layers of ecology to it. I left the presentation options wide open, so many of my students used different social media apps to present their summaries. I especially liked the instagram profile that one of my students made for her animal, the arctic fox. I feel like this hit almost all the levels of blooms taxonomy, because she had to use her knowledge of ecology to put herself in the shoes of an arctic fox in order to create the profile. She also took the time to arrange and take pictures that would accurately represent different aspects of ecology for the arctic fox, like its food chain. - Maile Tatsuno
3.2. Shelby Gregoire: Creating a timeline on the computer is a great way for students to hit each level of Bloom's while creating a valuable study tool. My world history class spans thousands of years, which can be difficult for students to grapple with. At the end of each unit my students are asked to create a timeline that covers the main events, discoveries, people, etc from that time using software like Timeline Maker Pro. When making a timeline, students have to remember course content, understand its significance, and analyze the impact of each event on that period of time. Students then have to work to evaluate which events are the most important, and justify their placement on the timeline. Creating timelines on the computer helps streamline the process, allows students to use the Internet to research if necessary, and ensures that each student has an easily accessible reference to keep in their binder to use throughout the course.
3.3. Maker Movement projects: Students make, tinker, or create to solve a problem and must have a wealth of knowledge of processes and content to make. An example could be running an Invention Convention ( Projects may be technology-based, design-based, or handcrafted accommodating a variety of skill sets and interests. -Kaitlin Fung
3.4. Programming and Code-Libraries: Enormous online libraries of cut-and-paste code are bringing the creation of programs into the realm of students who lack a mastery of binary code. These libraries provide access past a formerly unsurmountable barrier for students (and teachers!). Using these libraries of code as intermediary tools, students can achieve the highest level of rigor in their education. -James Younger
3.5. Designing your own blog or making your own film supports the creating thinking skill, as it allows you to produce your own product. - Kellie Fujii
4. Analyze
5. Evaluate
5.1. Shelby Gregoire: During My WWII Unit, my students participate in an online panel that discusses whether or not the United States should use atomic warfare to end the war. Each student conducts their own research and incorporates what they learned from class to form their stance and strengthen their claims with the evidence they have found. Each student is then required to post his or her stance in the online forum on our class blog. In their post, students must clearly demonstrate whether they support the use of atomic warfare, or oppose it. This exercise requires students to evaluate what they learned in class in conjunction with their personal research, and allows students to use their own judgment when thinking about the moral question atomic warfare generates.
6. Apply
6.1. Uploading and Sharing via Google Slides: To show students' applied knowledge, students can upload images, quotes, videos, facts about a learned topic on to a Google Slide template and collaborate with other students. This is a form of collaboration, a higher order skill. During my rhetorical appeals and fallacies unit, students can search the internet for images, videos, or quotes to depict each rhetorical appeal or fallacy. This will allow students to be creative and to apply their knowledge and collaborate with other students -Sheridel De Vera
6.2. Online Labs: One of the most exciting new technologies is the availability of online lab simulations. Especially for schools with limited resources, students will be able to still experience and play around with labs without the expensive equipment. Through an online lab, students will be carrying out specific experimental procedures and recording what happens. They will also be analyzing their results at the end. Online labs also allow a greater flexibility for students to simply play around with the tools, since the students cannot actually harm or waste anything. This will allow students to explore with their natural curiosity and discover scientific principles on their own. - Maile Tatsuno
6.3. Editing Wiki articles to incorporate information from other credible sources: Students would be presented with real or imaginary Wiki pages to edit and apply information from a variety of sources. Instructor may present the process and skills by talking about Wiki Edit-a-thons and the importance of collaboration especially to create the most complete and accurate representation of information: -Kaitlin Fung
7. Understand
7.1. Online Personality Tests: This activity will support the "receiving" part of Bloom's affective category. In order for students to first pay attention to what you are teaching, teachers need to learn a little bit more about each student and how they learn. That is where online personality/learning styles tests come in handy. Through these quick online questionnaires, students and teachers can find out what ways students learn the best (auditory, visual, kinetic etc.) and then adapt accordingly -Sheridel De Vera
7.2. Tweet about it: In the form of an exit ticket, students can show what they know by tweeting a short statement capturing the key idea. Students would have fun depicting their understanding on the lesson using hashtags in short-form note-taking (Here's an example of a potential template: -Kaitlin Fung
7.3. Boolean searches: Students will be able to show what they know and what they understand about a topic based on how they seek out further information using Boolean searches. The more specific and accurate the key words and use of Boolean operators can be telling as to how students understand the process of using Boolean searches as well as the topic itself. Here's an intro video: -Kaitlin Fung
7.4. Using the "comment" feature on blogs can also support understanding, as it allows you to summarize, paraphrase, or explain your thoughts in comparison to those of the author of the post. - Kellie Fujii
8. Remember
8.1. Shelby Gregoire: Quizlet can be a valuable resource for students when you are working on vocabulary. As a history teacher I spend a great deal of time working on defining material. I typically start each unit with a list of vocabulary and present it to students on Quizlet, which provides online study aids like flashcards. I am able to create a “class set” of vocabulary terms for students to begin memorizing. This helps students when I begin to introduce new material because they already have an association with the vocabulary term and they are able to follow along with the lesson instead of being hung up on a challenging term they didn’t know. As the unit progresses my students engage with the vocabulary on a much more meaningful level, however this has proven to be a quick, easy, and engaging way to get students to learn the definitions that they need to know to understand class content.
8.2. Online Notes: Because I will be getting chromebooks next year, I want to try to have my students take all of their notes on google docs. I can provide the simple outline for my students, but they will be the ones actually typing in the notes. On their notes, they will be making bullet point lists, writing simple summaries of the information, and asking questions to be used to study from later. This is a basic tool for helping each student remember the information, and helps to counter the tendency of middle-schoolers to lose papers. - Maile Tatsuno
8.3. Wikipedia: This is a great place to start a search for "facts". Wikipedia supports the lowest level of Blooms Taxonomy, but it is upon this level that other levels of rigor can be achieved,-James Younger
8.4. Using tools such as Diigo can help with this thinking skill, as bookmarking is a great way to organize information and resources for future use. - Kellie Fujii