Gothic horror
by raymond liebenberg
1. symbolic objects
1.1. scary doll
1.2. shatter mirror
1.3. graveyard/grave stones
1.4. gargoyles
1.5. upside down cross
1.6. blood
1.7. skeleton
1.8. scyth
1.9. cobwebs
1.10. objects of the supernatural
1.10.1. occult
1.10.2. pentagram
1.10.3. sacrificial circle
1.10.4. Ouija board
1.10.5. spell book
2. weather
2.1. storms
2.2. overcast grey skies
2.3. rain
2.4. lightning
2.5. thunder
2.6. fog
2.7. cold
2.8. damp
3. setting
3.1. old
3.2. dark
3.3. forest
3.4. castle
3.5. church
3.6. mansion
3.6.1. large hidden places
3.7. spiral stair case
3.8. attic
3.9. catacombs/graveyard
3.10. rusted gates
3.11. England, Europe, america
4. charecters
4.1. demon
4.2. people faced feminine girls
4.3. male hero-female victims
4.4. girls long neat hiar
4.5. supernatural creatures
4.6. paranormal creatures
5. noises
5.1. door creaking
5.2. screams
5.3. sound of bats
5.4. footstep
5.5. thunder rumbling
5.6. whispering
5.7. howling winds
5.8. howling winds
5.9. deep breathing
5.10. heart beats
5.11. silence
5.12. ominous chanting
5.13. lights flickering
5.14. music box
5.15. jack in the box
5.16. laughing
6. atmosphere
6.1. tense
6.2. suspense
6.3. ominous
6.4. foreboding
6.5. dramatic
7. animals
7.1. black cat
7.2. raven
7.3. wolfes
7.4. rats
7.5. spider
7.6. bats
7.7. owl
7.8. serpants