Reality TV Reality television often bears little resemblance to real life and encourages superfic...

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Reality TV Reality television often bears little resemblance to real life and encourages superficial views on people and relationships. Given the genre's popularity, is it fair to say that this type of programming is unethical and corrupting to society? por Mind Map: Reality TV Reality television often bears little resemblance to real life and encourages superficial views on people and relationships. Given the genre's popularity, is it fair to say that this type of programming is unethical and corrupting to society?

1. Benefits of Reality TV

1.1. It can be quite entertaining

1.2. If the show is unscripted, you are able to view the 'stars' life.

1.3. The TV show can become advertising for the audience.

2. Impact on Society

2.1. Can create a poor self-image in adolescents

2.2. Can portray an incorrect view on what is valued in today's society

2.3. Can send the incorrect message to teenagers regarding drugs, casual sex and alcohol.

3. Examples of Reality TV Shows

3.1. The Bachelor

3.2. My Kitchen Rules

3.3. The Block

3.4. The Amazing Race

3.5. Australia's Got Talent

4. Corruption/ Unethical Examples

4.1. Being Dishonest with other show members

4.2. Humiliating others on Television

4.3. Deliberately staring fights with other show members

4.4. Destroying other people's belongings (Ex. My Kitchen Rules (other show members turning the oven up too hot whilst competitors food is cooking to deliberately burn the food.