Chapter 3: Text

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Chapter 3: Text por Mind Map: Chapter 3: Text

1. Choosing text fonts

1.1. - consider legibility and readability. - avoid too many faces - use color purposefully - use anti-aliased text - use drop caps and initial caps for accent - minimize centered text - use white space - use animated text to grab attention

2. Bitmap vs Vector

2.1. · Bitmap fonts can either be stored as bitmapped or vector. · Bitmaps font consist of a matrix of dots or pixels representing the image. - File size increases as more sizes are added - Require a lot of memory - Non-scalable

2.2. · Vector fonts drawing use instructions and mathematical formulae to describe each glyph. · can draw any size by scaling the vector drawing primitives mathematically. - File size is much smaller than bitmaps. - TrueType, OpenType and PostScript are vector font forrmats.

3. Hypertext vs Hypermedia ~ enables the user to navigate through text in a nonlinear way.

3.1. · Hypertext is a text which contains links to other texts. · Hypertext is the subset of hypermedia. · Hypertext systems are used for:  - Electronic publishing and reference works.  - Technical documentation  - Educational courseware  - Interactive kiosks  - Electronic catalogs

3.2. · Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based. · It can include other media. eg. graphics, image, sound and video. · Hypermedia structures:  - Links  - Nodes  - Anchors

4. font styles

4.1. Boldface

4.2. Italic

4.3. Underlining

4.4. Outlining

5. font terminology

5.1. Baseline

5.2. Cap height

5.3. x-height

5.4. Ascenders/descenders

5.5. Kerning

5.6. Tracking

6. Text elements used in multimedia are: ~ Menus for navigation ~ Interactive buttons ~ Fields for reading ~ HTML documents ~ Symbols and icons

7. cases

7.1. - A capitalized letter is referred to as uppercase, while a small letter is referred to as lowercase.