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OSE Seminar by Mind Map: OSE Seminar

1. Topic 1. WoW

1.1. 2.5-3 hrs

1.1.1. Alignment on Challenges

1.1.2. Current Way of Work  "AS IS"

1.1.3. Problems at each station

1.1.4. Suggested DoD

1.1.5. Suggested approach to ISIT

1.1.6. Suggested approach to Planning

2. Topc 2. Architecture and Tooling

2.1. 1.5-2 hrs

2.1.1. CI/CD roadmap

2.1.2. Technical track

2.1.3. Version control overview

2.1.4. Multi-BU implementation status

2.1.5. Jira Vs DMP for bugs

2.1.6. Excel Vs Jira for Requirements

2.1.7. Confluence for Requirements and Knowledge Base

2.1.8. Single Code Repository

3. Topic 3 (Dinner). Leadership and Motivation

3.1. 1-1.5 hrs

3.1.1. Main Leadership Values

3.1.2. Importance of people involvmenet

3.1.3. Perceived level of motivation POs OSE-FE Satisfaction Survey approach and results (OSE-FE) OSE-BE

3.1.4. Examples of demotivators

3.1.5. Alignment on the approach to people involvement

4. Intro

4.1. 15 minutes

4.1.1. Words of Inspiration

4.1.2. Agenda and TIming

4.1.3. Check-In

4.1.4. Ground Rules

5. Participants

5.1. Klaus

5.2. Torben

5.3. Galyna

5.4. Victor

5.5. Thomas

5.6. Adam

5.7. XuRui

5.8. Ding HaiTao

5.9. Zhang Hua

6. Topic 6. HU BU onboarding (Retrospective session)

6.1. 1.5 hrs

6.1.1. Setting the context

6.1.2. Gathering cases

6.1.3. Filterring (Top 5 cases)

6.1.4. Root-Cause for each case

6.1.5. Check points to be added to the New BU on-boarding checklist

7. Topc 4.  Organization and Scaling

7.1. 2.5 hrs

7.1.1. Visualize current Org Structure

7.1.2. Outline difficulties if any

7.1.3. Scaling opportunity and limitations

7.1.4. OOTB involvement

7.1.5. Visualize Stakeholders and communication flow

7.1.6. Challenges with expectation management if any

7.1.7. Brainstorm on solution (2 goups and discussion of options)

8. Topic 5. Planning and Goals

8.1. 2 hrs

8.1.1. Approach to planning Adaptive planning and cone of uncertainty Long term planning for alignment

8.1.2. Goals and upcoming challenges

8.1.3. Input on quality of Backlog (OneScreen 2.0 epics)

8.1.4. 2016H2 Projection