Chapter 3: Text

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Chapter 3: Text by Mind Map: Chapter 3: Text

1. Font Terminology: 1:Baseline 2:Cap height 3:x-height 4:Ascenders/descenders 5:Kerning 6:Tracking

2. Serif versus sans serif: A serif is the little decoration at the end of a letter stroke. Serif fonts are used for printed media or documents that have large quantities of text. Sans serif fonts do not have decoration at the end of a letter stroke. Sans serif fonts are used for headlines and bold statements. It is considered better for computer displays.

3. The text elements used in multimedia are: 1:Menus for navigation 2:Interactive buttons 3:Fields for reading 4:HTML documents 5:Symbols and icons

4. Bitmap vs Vector: i: Vector fonts drawing use instructions and mathematical formulae to describe each glyph ii: Bitmaps font consist of a matrix of dots or pixels representing the image.

5. Hypertext vs Hypermedia 1:Hypertext is a text which contains links to other texts. 2:Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based.

6. Hypermedia structures 1:Links 2:Nodes 3:Anchors

7. Fonts and Typefaces 1:Font is a collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family. 2:Typeface is a family of graphic characters, often with many type sizes and styles.

8. Text  in a Multimedia Presentation: Text is obviously the simplest of data types and requires the least amount of storage.

9. The study of fonts and typefaces includes the following: 1:Font styles 2:Font terminology 3:Cases

10. Font styles include: 1:Boldface 2:Italic 3:Underlining 4:Outlining

11. Hypertext systems are used for: 1:Electronic publishing and reference works 2:Technical documentation 3:Educational courseware 4:Interactive kiosks 5:Electronic catalogs