Design engineering degree - where next? - ideas suggested by Jane Pooler. Begin bottom left and...

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Design engineering degree - where next? - ideas suggested by Jane Pooler. Begin bottom left and work round clockwise, clicking on any buttons of interest to expand and link to relevant websites ... by Mind Map: Design engineering degree - where next?  - ideas suggested by Jane Pooler.  Begin bottom left and work round clockwise, clicking on any buttons of interest to expand and link to relevant websites ...

1. engineering design / 'proper' engineers

1.1. design engineer

1.2. mechanical engineer

1.2.1. hardware design / development

1.2.2. chartered mechanical engineer

1.3. Software engineer (industry)

1.3.1. systems engineer

1.3.2. UX engineer

1.4. academic / university lecturer (after PhD and industry or academic research)

1.5. IT / technical consultant

1.6. software development

1.6.1. applications developper

1.6.2. software tester

1.6.3. systems analyst

1.6.4. systems developper

1.7. production manager

1.8. manufacturing manager

2. tech sector / silicon milkroundabout

2.1. games developer

2.2. web designer

2.3. multimedia programmer

2.4. apps developer

2.5. animator

2.6. product manager

3. designer, with emphasis on design rather than engineering

3.1. interior and spatial designer

3.2. 3D and graphic design

3.3. industrial / product designers

3.4. web designer

3.5. animator

3.6. landscape architecture

4. interested in entrepreneurship and business?

4.1. management consultant / strategy consultant

4.2. entrepreneur / own start up

4.3. venture capitalist

4.4. business angel

4.5. tech transfer / knowledge exchange / commercialisation (of R&D)

4.6. more business / management related ideas

4.7. finance / banking

5. other technical

5.1. ergonomist

5.2. product manager

5.3. medical physicist  or medical engineer

5.4. andmany, many more roles across all sectors ...

6. "The most important design jobs of the future" - a few examples. Source:

6.1. Augmented reality designer

6.2. Avatar programmer

6.3. Chief Design Officer or Chief Creative Officer (CDO or CCO) on the Board

6.4. Cybernetic Director

6.5. Embodied Interactions Designer

6.6. Fusionist

6.7. Intelligent System Designer

6.8. Machine-learning Designer

6.9. Real-time 3-D designer

6.10. Sim designer

6.11. Synthetic biologist / nanotech designer

6.12. Interventionist

7. ... something completely different ..?

7.1. a new creative departure which could be in any number of things - whatever floats your boat ...!

7.2. there are literally thousands of possibilities with new 'job titles' emerging all the time ...

8. socially useful

8.1. teaching / FE and adult lecturing eg DT or Physics teacher

8.2. youth / community engagement

8.2.1. youth worker / community worker

8.2.2. careers adviser (somebody has to do it)

8.3. NHS career (many require further training or even another degree)

8.3.1. medicine / hospital doctor or GP

8.3.2. physiotherapist

8.3.3. nurse / other allied medical profession

8.4. security / defence

8.4.1. police

8.4.2. intelligence analyst (MI5, MI6 etc)

8.4.3. armed service

8.5. international aid / development work

9. arts / cultural / heritage / museum management

9.1. arts and cultural outreach

9.2. arts administration / management

9.3. festivals / events management

9.4. community arts worker

10. what can you NOT do with a design engineering degree ...?

10.1. .....?

11. media

11.1. broadcasting presenter

11.2. producer - film / TV / radio

11.3. journalist / researcher

12. Communications / advertising / marketing

12.1. PR/ Comms manager / executive

12.2. marketing

12.2.1. content marketer

12.2.2. digital marketing

12.3. market research analyst