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1. 1970 National registry of EMS was founded

2. 1966 The National Academy of science, National Research Council  publishes Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society.

3. National Association of EMS August  15, 1985. The National Association of EMS Physicians was formed.

4. Trauma Care Systems. August 15, 1990. The Trauma Care System Planning & Development Act is passed by Congress. Fire Department organizations join together in a resolution to expand into EMS.

5. September 11, 2001President George W. Bush established the Department of HomeLand  Security to coordinate the various agencies responsible for protecting the country.

6. 1797 Nepoleon developed a light carriage that let the wounded be carried off the battlefield.

7. 1860 civilian ambulance services begin in Cincinnati Commercial Hospital in 1869, Bellevue Hospital, on the island of Manhattan in New York City, began operating an ambulance service.

8. 1915 First known air medical transport occurs during the retreat of the Serbian Army from Albania.

9. 1920 first volunteer rescue squad organize in Roanoke, Virginia, and along the New Jersey coast.

10. 1891 Dr. Frank Maass preforms the first equivocally documented chest compression in humans