Police Brutality

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Police Brutality von Mind Map: Police Brutality

1. How does the media play an affect in influencing the people

1.1. What do people do after they hear these types of news

2. Whats true and whats false

2.1. Do police try to cover up any evidence >>>> because they have control of any evidence........ Can they change the perspective of someone with false allegations and Evidence

3. How are the families affected and/or helped from police brutality

4. Do certain police get special treatment whether it depend on : rank, race, age, etc...

5. How did this start

5.1. Has there been a big increase in past years?

5.2. ^ It seems like it because that is all I ever hear in the news nowadays

6. Who does it affect the most

6.1. Does the percentage that police brutality effects based on : RACE, AGE, GENDER, ETC...

7. Is justice ever served ?

7.1. Do police get special treatment throughout the court system even if they commit a capital crime ?