When Panic Attacks - David Burns

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When Panic Attacks - David Burns por Mind Map: When Panic Attacks - David Burns

1. Daily Mood Log

1.1. Make a Table

1.1.1. Event Emotions ANTs

2. Your Self Defeating Beliefs

2.1. Vertical Arrow Technique

3. Modifying a self defeating belief

3.1. 1. Cost Benefit Analysis

3.2. 2. Revise the Belief

3.3. 3. Put the Belief to the Test

4. Worst possible outcome/What If

4.1. Helps you uncover a terrifying fantasy that triggers this anxiety

4.2. Whats the worst that could happen if this was true

4.2.1. Keep asking this to the answer you get

4.3. How likely is it to happen?

4.4. Can I live with it if it did happen

5. Compassion

5.1. How would I talk to a dear friend who had a similar problem?

5.2. Role Play

5.2.1. The other person tells you about their problem exactly as if it was happening to them

5.2.2. You respond and try to figure out a solution

6. Truth Based

6.1. Examine the Evidence

6.1.1. Analyze the data available to you

6.1.2. What's the evidence for this claim

6.2. Experimental Technique

6.2.1. How can I test this?

6.3. Survey Based

6.3.1. Ask your friends/specific people about it

7. Logical and Semantic

7.1. Think in shades of GRAY

7.1.1. Dont evaluate yourself as Winner/Looser

7.2. Process v/s Outcome

7.2.1. Evaluate yourself based on Process/effort

7.2.2. Don't evaluate yourself on the outcome

7.2.3. We control our effort - Not the outcome

7.2.4. Gita "Karmanye wadhikaraste maa faleshu kadachana"

7.3. Semantic MEthod

7.3.1. Substitute kindler gentler language for emotionally colorful words

7.3.2. Don't should all over yourself Only 3 valid uses of SHOULD in english language MORAL LEGAL UNIVERSAL LAWS

7.3.3. Stop being ABSOLUTE about things

7.4. Get specific

7.4.1. Dont use vague generalizations I am a failure I always fail at this

8. Quantitative

8.1. Self Monitoring

8.1.1. Count your -ve thoughts daily on a wrist counter

8.1.2. The act of counting will bring them down

8.2. Worry Breaks

8.2.1. Schedule time to feel anxious/depressed etc Dont fight the feelings GO all out

8.2.2. Paradoxically they allow you to feel relaxed at other times

9. Exposure

9.1. Gradual

9.1.1. Step by Step One small step at a time

9.2. Flooding

9.2.1. Expose yourself to it all at once

9.3. Distraction

9.3.1. For example In an MRI machine Distract yourself with - counting your breaths Meditation Counting down

10. Anti-Shyness

10.1. Smile and Hello

10.1.1. Smile and say hello to 10 strangers every day

10.2. Flirting

10.3. Rejection Practice

10.3.1. Try to accumulate as many rejections as possible

10.3.2. Instead of trying to get a date, make it a goal to get rejected 10 times a week

10.3.3. It is paradoxical and very liberating

10.4. Self-Disclosure

10.4.1. Dont hide your feelings. Disclose your feelings openly

10.4.2. The real problem is not the SHYNESS But the SHAME you feel

10.4.3. Without the Shame, the shyness can be  endearing Vulnerable and charming

10.4.4. PARADOX Acknowledging your feelings makes them disappear Fighting your feelings makes them persist inside of you

11. Anti-Procrastination Techniques

11.1. Pleasure Predicting

11.1.1. Schedule activities

11.1.2. Predict how satisfying and rewarding each activity will be from 0% to 100%

11.1.3. After completing, record how satisfying/rewarding it really was

11.1.4. Notice the difference in prediction and reality

11.2. Little Steps

11.2.1. Break big tasks into small peices

11.2.2. Start on the smallest tasks

12. Acceptance Paradox

12.1. Probably the MOST powerful Technique in the book

12.2. When you resist - It persists

12.3. When you accept - it flows through you and doesn't persist inside of you

12.3.1. The critics stop because there is nothing to fight against

12.4. Once you accept that

12.4.1. You are defective

12.4.2. You won't always be happy

12.4.3. That you will struggle

12.4.4. You get a sense of calm and joy At a META level You can abstract yourself from the mundane