登録は簡単!. 無料です
または 登録 あなたのEメールアドレスで登録

1. Different uses of the trust:

1.1. 1._ Land trust

1.1.1. Is the real estate or land for the restricted zone for acquiring residential property.

1.2. 2._ Administrative trust

1.2.1. Revolve around the administration and management of certain assets.

1.3. 3._Guaranty trusts

1.3.1. Secure collateral in all kinds of loans issued to Mexicans and to non-Mexicans borrowers

1.4. 4._ Investment trusts

1.4.1. Are used by the banking and financial markets industry as an investment tools

2. Rights that the trustor used to keep for itself:

2.1. Creation and formation

2.1.1. MUST BE:

2.1.2. Written

2.1.3. Prepared following the formalities required for the tranfer to the trust that will be subjec to trust

2.2. Duration

2.2.1. Are normally for a specific period of time and con not exceed 50 years

2.3. Technical Committee

2.3.1. It can be required for the trustee to have a constant or specific supervision and/or direction or just simply assistance in satisfying some purposes

3. What is it?

3.1. Is a commercial contract govern by Mexico's general law of credits , instruments and operations.

4. How does it work?

4.1. It consist normally of three parties:

4.2. 1._The trustor

4.2.1. It is the party that transfer titles of assets to the trustee

4.3. 2._ The trustee

4.3.1. The party that holds the asset in trust

4.4. 3._The beneficiary

4.4.1. Party that stands to benefit from the assets and trust