Relavite Clause Who, That, Which

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Relavite Clause Who, That, Which por Mind Map: Relavite Clause Who, That, Which

1. Who: We use in a relative Clause when we are talking about people (not things). We use who instead of He/She/They Examples:  The woman who is wearing a pink dress is my mother.  I prefer the people who is shy.  The man who sold the car is my neighbor.

2. That: When we are talking about things, we use that or which (not who) in relative clause. Examples:  I work with people that are responsible.  Elias is dating a woman that works in my company.  My sister bought a car that is expensive.

3. Which: That is more usual than which. But sometimes you must use which (not that). Examples:  My brother bought a smarphone which is expensive.   My son does not play video games which contain violent scenes.                     Every night Iread articles which teach me something new.