(IDEA) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

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(IDEA) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act by Mind Map: (IDEA) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

1. Autism

1.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Use short sentences when giving instructions *Repeat instructions and check for understanding *Use clear language *Use words in addition to gesture and facial expressions

1.2. Assistive Technology *Use of computer based learning (like School of One) *Visual cues for clarity

1.3. Case Study; Hunter

1.4. Subcategories  *Autism *Asperger *Rett Syndrome Disintegrative Disorder *PDDNOS (Pervasive Development Disorder Not Other Specified)

2. Deaf-Blindness

2.1. Accommodations/Interventions *Learns through doing *Environment must be safe, support from mobility specialists to evaluate hazards *Curriculum focus should be on bonding and developing interactions and routines to expand communication *Communication should be tactile, signals, objects, gestures *Great deal of individual support, additional support.

3. Deafness

3.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Use of visual supports *Use of facial expressions gestures and body language *Make sure student can see your face

3.2. Assistive Technology *Smart boards *Projectors *Sound amplification equipment

3.3. Subcategories *Conductive hearing loss *Sensorneural hearing loss *Mixed hearing loss *Central hearing loss

4. Developmental Delay

4.1. Accommodations/interventions *Plan physical activities for times of when they have the most energy *Incorportate singing and dancing into many activities  *Use of manipulatives

5. Emotional Disturbance

5.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Provide opportunities for group participation *Be sensitive when pairing students *Work gradually toward group activities *Target and teach behaviours such as taking turns *Self monitoring techniques of attention linked to rewards

5.2. Subcategories: Anxiety disorders Eating disorders Psychotic disorder Bipolar Disorder Depression

6. Hearing Imparement

6.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Use of visual cues and manipulative *Written instructions *

6.2. Assistive Technology *Smart boards *Projectors *Sound amplification equipment

7. Intellectual Disability

7.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Repeat instructions or directions frequently *Short and simple sentences *Keep distractions and transitions minimal *Increase difficulty of tasks over time. *Involve families in learning activities *Use of visual supports

8. Multiple Disabilities

8.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *planning should be multidisciplinary processes with parents, teachers, physical therapists *Peer tutoring

8.2. Assistive Technology *Smart boards *Special keyboards such as intelliKeys

9. Orthopaedic Impairment

9.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Instruction focused on development of gross and fine motor skills *Special seating arrangements

9.2. Assistive technology *Speech recognition software *Screen reading software *Augmentative and alternative communication devices

10. Other Health Impairment

10.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Allow extra time to finish assignments *Allow extra time to shift from one activity *Teach specific techniques for organising their thoughts and materials *Seat student close to teacher and away from peers that distract them.

10.2. Subcategories *ADD and AH/HD *Diabetes *Epilepsy *Heart Condition *Haemophilia *Lead Poisoning *Leukemia

11. Speech or Language Impairment

11.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Speech therapist *Focus on interactive communication *Ensure student has a way to express their wants and needs *Use tactile and visual cues

11.2. Assistive Technology *Use of auditory equipment such as recordings to emulate

11.3. Case study: Dylan

11.4. Subcategories *Fluency disorder *Impaired articulation *Language impairment *Voice impairment

12. Traumatic Brain Injury

12.1. Accommodations/ Interventions *Have consistent routines and rules to promote procedural memory *Use pictures or visual cues to alert student *Clearly define class requirements, due dates *Provide handouts *Use different ways to explain *Break information into small steps

12.2. Assistive Technology *Projectors, to show information in visual context *Recording equipment- to record lessons.

13. Visual Impairment including blindness

13.1. Accommodations/Interventions *Learns through doing *Environment must be safe, support from mobility specialists to evaluate hazards *Curriculum focus should be on bonding and developing interactions and routines to expand communication *Communication tactile

13.2. Case study