Tax Saving

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Tax Saving by Mind Map: Tax Saving

1. Section 10 Exemptions

1.1. HRA

2. Chapter VIA deductions

2.1. 80D Medical Insurance

2.2. 80DD- Maintenance /Medical treatment of Handicapped Dependents

2.3. 80E– Education Loan Interest Benefit

2.4. 80U-Deduction in case of Disability- Self

3. Loss On Housing Property

3.1. Interest Paid on Housing Loan - 1,50,000

4. 80c - 1,00,000

4.1. Employee PF - NO Limit

4.2. Public PF - 70,000

4.3. ELSS - No Limit

4.4. Pension Policy

4.5. Life Insurance Policy

4.6. Fixed Deposit in Scheduled Bank

4.7. IBOND

4.8. ULIP

4.9. NSC Bonds

4.10. NSC Interest

4.11. Children Education Fees

4.12. Housing Principal

5. 80ccf - 20,000

5.1. Long Term Infrastructure Bonds